aszlig 27b72342ae
chromium: Split up source into multiple outputs.
This splits up the source into one base output (just the build and tools
directory), one for bundled dependencies, one for sandbox sources and
one for the sources of the main browser.

The state of this is heavily work in progress and contains a bunch of
workarounds. For example, we currently copy the entire sources into the
build directory, so a build ultimately requires even more space than

Of course, it's just temporary as neither GYP nor ninja is particularly
friendly if it comes to out-of-tree builds.

Another thing which is heavily WIP is how we handle patches. Ultimately,
those patches shouldn't be applied to the source tree (at least not all)
but rather to the final build's temporary directory.

Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
2013-09-27 15:23:31 +02:00

283 lines
8.2 KiB

{ stdenv, fetchurl, makeWrapper, ninja, which
# default dependencies
, bzip2, flac, speex
, libevent, expat, libjpeg
, libpng, libxml2, libxslt
, xdg_utils, yasm, zlib
, libusb1, libexif, pciutils
, python, pythonPackages, perl, pkgconfig
, nspr, udev, krb5
, utillinux, alsaLib
, gcc, bison, gperf
, glib, gtk, dbus_glib
, libXScrnSaver, libXcursor, libXtst, mesa
, protobuf, speechd, libXdamage
# optional dependencies
, libgcrypt ? null # gnomeSupport || cupsSupport
# dependency for version 30
, file
# package customization
, channel ? "stable"
, enableSELinux ? false, libselinux ? null
, enableNaCl ? false
, useOpenSSL ? false, nss ? null, openssl ? null
, gnomeSupport ? false, gconf ? null
, gnomeKeyringSupport ? false, libgnome_keyring ? null
, proprietaryCodecs ? true
, cupsSupport ? false
, pulseSupport ? false, pulseaudio ? null
with stdenv.lib;
src = with getAttr channel (import ./sources.nix); stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "chromium-source-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
inherit url sha256;
phases = [ "unpackPhase" "patchPhase" "installPhase" ];
opensslPatches = optional useOpenSSL openssl.patches;
prePatch = "patchShebangs .";
patches = singleton (
if versionOlder version ""
then ./sandbox_userns_29.patch
else if versionOlder version ""
then ./sandbox_userns_30.patch
else ./sandbox_userns_31.patch
postPatch = ''
sed -i -r -e 's/-f(stack-protector)(-all)?/-fno-\1/' build/common.gypi
sed -i -e 's|/usr/bin/gcc|gcc|' third_party/WebKit/Source/core/core.gypi
'' + optionalString useOpenSSL ''
cat $opensslPatches | patch -p1 -d third_party/openssl/openssl
outputs = [ "out" "sandbox" "bundled" "main" ];
installPhase = ''
ensureDir "$out" "$sandbox" "$bundled" "$main"
header "copying browser main sources to $main"
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
\! -path ./sandbox \
\! -path ./third_party \
\! -path ./build \
\! -path ./tools \
\! -name '.*' \
-print | xargs cp -rt "$main"
header "copying sandbox components to $sandbox"
cp -rt "$sandbox" sandbox/*
header "copying third party sources to $bundled"
cp -rt "$bundled" third_party/*
header "copying build requisites to $out"
cp -rt "$out" build tools
rm -rf "$out/tools/gyp" # XXX: Don't even copy it in the first place.
passthru = {
inherit version;
mkGypFlags =
sanitize = value:
if value == true then "1"
else if value == false then "0"
else "${value}";
toFlag = key: value: "-D${key}=${sanitize value}";
in attrs: concatStringsSep " " (attrValues (mapAttrs toFlag attrs));
gypFlagsUseSystemLibs = {
use_system_bzip2 = true;
use_system_flac = true;
use_system_libevent = true;
use_system_libexpat = true;
use_system_libexif = true;
use_system_libjpeg = true;
use_system_libpng = false; # PNG dlopen() version conflict
use_system_libusb = true;
use_system_libxml = true;
use_system_speex = true;
use_system_ssl = useOpenSSL;
use_system_stlport = true;
use_system_xdg_utils = true;
use_system_yasm = true;
use_system_zlib = false; #
use_system_protobuf = true;
use_system_harfbuzz = false;
use_system_icu = false;
use_system_libwebp = false; #
use_system_skia = false;
use_system_sqlite = false; #
use_system_v8 = false;
defaultDependencies = [
bzip2 flac speex
libevent expat libjpeg
libpng libxml2 libxslt
xdg_utils yasm zlib
libusb1 libexif
sandbox = import ./sandbox.nix {
inherit stdenv;
src = src.sandbox;
binary = "${packageName}_sandbox";
# build paths and release info
packageName = "chromium";
buildType = "Release";
buildPath = "out/${buildType}";
libExecPath = "$out/libexec/${packageName}";
sandboxPath = "${sandbox}/bin/${packageName}_sandbox";
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "${packageName}-${src.version}";
inherit packageName src;
buildInputs = defaultDependencies ++ [
which makeWrapper
python perl pkgconfig
nspr udev
(if useOpenSSL then openssl else nss)
utillinux alsaLib
gcc bison gperf
glib gtk dbus_glib
libXScrnSaver libXcursor libXtst mesa
pciutils protobuf speechd libXdamage
] ++ optional gnomeKeyringSupport libgnome_keyring
++ optionals gnomeSupport [ gconf libgcrypt ]
++ optional enableSELinux libselinux
++ optional cupsSupport libgcrypt
++ optional pulseSupport pulseaudio
++ optional (!versionOlder src.version "") file;
prePatch = ''
# XXX: Figure out a way how to split these properly.
#cpflags="-dsr --no-preserve=mode"
cp $cpflags "${src.main}"/* .
cp $cpflags "${src.bundled}" third_party
cp $cpflags "${src.sandbox}" sandbox
chmod -R u+w . # XXX!
postPatch = optionalString (!versionOlder src.version "") ''
sed -i -e '/base::FilePath exe_dir/,/^ *} *$/c \
sandbox_binary = \
' content/browser/
gypFlags = mkGypFlags (gypFlagsUseSystemLibs // {
linux_use_gold_binary = false;
linux_use_gold_flags = false;
proprietary_codecs = false;
use_gnome_keyring = gnomeKeyringSupport;
use_gconf = gnomeSupport;
use_gio = gnomeSupport;
use_pulseaudio = pulseSupport;
disable_nacl = !enableNaCl;
use_openssl = useOpenSSL;
selinux = enableSELinux;
use_cups = cupsSupport;
werror = "";
# Google API keys, see
# Note: These are for NixOS/nixpkgs use ONLY. For your own distribution,
# please get your own set of keys.
google_api_key = "AIzaSyDGi15Zwl11UNe6Y-5XW_upsfyw31qwZPI";
google_default_client_id = "";
google_default_client_secret = "9rIFQjfnkykEmqb6FfjJQD1D";
} // optionalAttrs proprietaryCodecs {
# enable support for the H.264 codec
proprietary_codecs = true;
ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome";
} // optionalAttrs (stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux") {
target_arch = "x64";
} // optionalAttrs (stdenv.system == "i686-linux") {
target_arch = "ia32";
configurePhase = ''
python build/gyp_chromium -f ninja --depth "$(pwd)" ${gypFlags}
buildPhase = let
CC = "${gcc}/bin/gcc";
CXX = "${gcc}/bin/g++";
in ''
CC="${CC}" CC_host="${CC}" \
CXX="${CXX}" CXX_host="${CXX}" \
LINK_host="${CXX}" \
"${ninja}/bin/ninja" -C "${buildPath}" \
chrome ${optionalString (!enableSELinux) "chrome_sandbox"}
installPhase = ''
ensureDir "${libExecPath}"
cp -v "${buildPath}/"*.pak "${libExecPath}/"
cp -vR "${buildPath}/locales" "${buildPath}/resources" "${libExecPath}/"
cp -v ${buildPath}/ "${libExecPath}/"
cp -v "${buildPath}/chrome" "${libExecPath}/${packageName}"
mkdir -vp "$out/bin"
makeWrapper "${libExecPath}/${packageName}" "$out/bin/${packageName}"
mkdir -vp "$out/share/man/man1"
cp -v "${buildPath}/chrome.1" "$out/share/man/man1/${packageName}.1"
for icon_file in chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_*[0-9].png; do
expr "$icon_size" : "^[0-9][0-9]*$" || continue
mkdir -vp "$logo_output_path"
cp -v "$icon_file" "$logo_output_path/${packageName}.png"
passthru = {
inherit sandbox;
meta = {
description = "An open source web browser from Google";
homepage =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ goibhniu chaoflow aszlig ];
license = licenses.bsd3;
platforms = platforms.linux;