- sdistTarball transforms a normal Haskell build into one that produces a
release tarball by running "sdist". For example:
$ nix-shell -p "haskell.lib.sdistTarball haskellPackages.mtl" --command 'tar tfv $nativeBuildInputs/*tar.gz'
- buildFromSdist transforms a normal Haskell build into one that compiles the
package the an sdist release tarball created by Nix. For example:
$ nix-shell -p "haskell.lib.buildFromSdist haskellPackages.mtl" --command "exit 0"
- buildStrictly transforms a normal Haskell build into one that (a) compiles
the source code with "-Wall -Werror" flags and (b) uses as input a locally
generated sdist release tarball. For example:
$ nix-shell -p "haskell.lib.buildStrictly haskellPackages.mtl" --command "exit 0"
This function is particularly useful for continuous Hydra builds of Haskell