Eelco Dolstra 04ec671c8a * Run smbd in its own session / process group (setsid) because smbd
now kills its process group when it exits.  Without setsid, this
  ends up killing the parent (i.e., the builder).
* Use port 445 instead of 139 because the CIFS kernel module tries
  port 445 first.  If there is an actual Samba running on the host, it
  would end up connecting to that one instead of our own and fail.

svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=25017
2010-12-06 19:03:32 +00:00

1279 lines
39 KiB

{ pkgs }:
with pkgs;
rec {
# The 15 second CIFS timeout is too short if the host if heavily
# loaded (e.g., in the Hydra build farm when it's running many jobs
# in parallel). So apply a patch to increase the timeout to 120s.
kernel = assert pkgs.linux.features.cifsTimeout; pkgs.linux;
kvm = pkgs.qemu_kvm;
modulesClosure = makeModulesClosure {
inherit kernel;
rootModules =
[ "cifs" "virtio_net" "virtio_pci" "virtio_blk" "virtio_balloon"
"nls_utf8" "ext2" "ext3" "unix" ];
hd = "vda"; # either "sda" or "vda"
initrdUtils = runCommand "initrd-utils"
{ buildInputs = [ nukeReferences ];
allowedReferences = [ "out" modulesClosure ]; # prevent accidents like glibc being included in the initrd
ensureDir $out/bin
ensureDir $out/lib
# Copy what we need from Glibc.
cp -p ${glibc}/lib/ld-linux*.so.? $out/lib
cp -p ${glibc}/lib/* $out/lib
cp -p ${glibc}/lib/* $out/lib
cp -p ${glibc}/lib/* $out/lib
# Copy some utillinux stuff.
cp ${utillinux}/bin/mount ${utillinux}/bin/umount $out/bin
cp -pd ${utillinux}/lib/libblkid*.so.* $out/lib
cp -pd ${utillinux}/lib/libuuid*.so.* $out/lib
# Copy some coreutils.
cp ${coreutils}/bin/basename $out/bin
cp ${coreutils}/bin/mkdir $out/bin
cp ${coreutils}/bin/mknod $out/bin
cp ${coreutils}/bin/cat $out/bin
cp ${coreutils}/bin/chroot $out/bin
cp ${coreutils}/bin/sleep $out/bin
cp ${coreutils}/bin/ln $out/bin
# Copy some other tools.
cp ${bash}/bin/bash $out/bin
cp ${module_init_tools}/sbin/insmod $out/bin/insmod
cp ${nettools}/sbin/ifconfig $out/bin
cp ${sysvinit}/sbin/halt $out/bin
# Run patchelf to make the programs refer to the copied libraries.
for i in $out/bin/* $out/lib/*; do if ! test -L $i; then nuke-refs $i; fi; done
for i in $out/bin/*; do
echo "patching $i..."
patchelf --set-interpreter $out/lib/ld-linux*.so.? --set-rpath $out/lib $i || true
''; # */
createDeviceNodes = dev:
mknod ${dev}/null c 1 3
mknod ${dev}/zero c 1 5
mknod ${dev}/tty c 5 0
. /sys/class/block/${hd}/uevent
mknod ${dev}/${hd} b $MAJOR $MINOR
stage1Init = writeScript "vm-run-stage1" ''
#! ${initrdUtils}/bin/bash -e
echo START
export PATH=${initrdUtils}/bin
mkdir /etc
echo -n > /etc/fstab
mount -t proc none /proc
mount -t sysfs none /sys
for o in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
case $o in
set -- $(IFS==; echo $o)
set -- $(IFS==; echo $o)
export tmpDir=$2
set -- $(IFS==; echo $o)
export out=$2
for i in $(cat ${modulesClosure}/insmod-list); do
case $i in
echo "loading module $(basename $i .ko)"
insmod $i $args
mount -t tmpfs none /dev
${createDeviceNodes "/dev"}
ifconfig eth0 up
mkdir /fs
if test -z "$mountDisk"; then
mount -t tmpfs none /fs
mount -t ext2 /dev/${hd} /fs
mkdir -p /fs/hostfs
mkdir -p /fs/dev
mount -o bind /dev /fs/dev
echo "mounting host filesystem..."
mount -t cifs // /fs/hostfs -o guest,sec=none
mkdir -p /fs/nix/store
mount -o bind /fs/hostfs/nix/store /fs/nix/store
mkdir -p /fs/tmp
mount -t tmpfs -o "mode=755" none /fs/tmp
mkdir -p /fs/proc
mount -t proc none /fs/proc
mkdir -p /fs/sys
mount -t sysfs none /fs/sys
mkdir -p /fs/etc
ln -sf /proc/mounts /fs/etc/mtab
echo "Now running: $command"
test -n "$command"
set +e
chroot /fs $command /tmp $out /hostfs/$tmpDir
echo $? > /fs/hostfs/$tmpDir/in-vm-exit
mount -o remount,ro dummy /fs
echo DONE
halt -d -p -f
initrd = makeInitrd {
contents = [
{ object = stage1Init;
symlink = "/init";
stage2Init = writeScript "vm-run-stage2" ''
#! ${bash}/bin/sh
source $3/saved-env
export NIX_STORE=/nix/store
export NIX_BUILD_TOP="$1"
export TMPDIR="$1"
export PATH=/empty
export ORIG_TMPDIR="$3"
if ! test -e /bin/sh; then
${coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p /bin
${coreutils}/bin/ln -s ${bash}/bin/sh /bin/sh
# For debugging: if this is the second time this image is run,
# then don't start the build again, but instead drop the user into
# an interactive shell.
if test -n "$origBuilder" -a ! -e /.debug; then
${coreutils}/bin/touch /.debug
exec $origBuilder $origArgs
export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:${coreutils}/bin
echo "Starting interactive shell..."
echo "(To run the original builder: \$origBuilder \$origArgs)"
exec ${bash}/bin/sh
qemuCommandLinux = ''
${kvm}/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
-nographic -no-reboot \
-net nic,model=virtio \
-chardev socket,id=samba,path=./samba \
-net user,guestfwd=tcp: \
-drive file=$diskImage,if=virtio,boot=on,cache=writeback,werror=report \
-kernel ${kernel}/bzImage \
-initrd ${initrd}/initrd \
-append "console=ttyS0 panic=1 command=${stage2Init} tmpDir=$TMPDIR out=$out mountDisk=$mountDisk" \
startSamba =
export WHO=`whoami`
cat > $TMPDIR/smb.conf <<SMB
private dir = $TMPDIR
smb ports = 0
socket address =
pid directory = $TMPDIR
lock directory = $TMPDIR
log file = $TMPDIR/log.smbd
smb passwd file = $TMPDIR/smbpasswd
security = share
force user = $WHO
path = /
read only = no
guest ok = yes
rm -f ./samba
${socat}/bin/socat unix-listen:./samba exec:"${utillinux}/bin/setsid ${samba}/sbin/smbd -s $TMPDIR/smb.conf",nofork > /dev/null 2>&1 &
while [ ! -e ./samba ]; do sleep 0.1; done # ugly
vmRunCommand = qemuCommand: writeText "vm-run" ''
export > saved-env
eval "$preVM"
# Write the command to start the VM to a file so that the user can
# debug inside the VM if the build fails (when Nix is called with
# the -K option to preserve the temporary build directory).
cat > ./run-vm <<EOF
#! ${bash}/bin/sh
chmod +x ./run-vm
source ./run-vm
if ! test -e in-vm-exit; then
echo "Virtual machine didn't produce an exit code."
exit 1
eval "$postVM"
exit $(cat in-vm-exit)
createEmptyImage = {size, fullName}: ''
mkdir $out
${kvm}/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 $diskImage "${toString size}M"
mkdir $out/nix-support
echo "${fullName}" > $out/nix-support/full-name
createRootFS = ''
mkdir /mnt
${e2fsprogs}/sbin/mke2fs -F /dev/${hd}
${utillinux}/bin/mount -t ext2 /dev/${hd} /mnt
if test -e /mnt/.debug; then
exec ${bash}/bin/sh
touch /mnt/.debug
mkdir /mnt/proc /mnt/dev /mnt/sys /mnt/bin
${createDeviceNodes "/mnt/dev"}
/* Run a derivation in a Linux virtual machine (using Qemu/KVM). By
default, there is no disk image; the root filesystem is a tmpfs,
and /nix/store is shared with the host (via the CIFS protocol to
a Samba instance automatically started by Qemu). Thus, any pure
Nix derivation should run unmodified, e.g. the call
runInLinuxVM patchelf
will build the derivation `patchelf' inside a VM. The attribute
`preVM' can optionally contain a shell command to be evaluated
*before* the VM is started (i.e., on the host). The attribute
`memSize' specifies the memory size of the VM in megabytes,
defaulting to 256. The attribute `diskImage' can optionally
specify a file system image to be attached to /dev/sda. (Note
that currently we expect the image to contain a filesystem, not a
full disk image with a partition table etc.)
If the build fails and Nix is run with the `-K' option, a script
`run-vm' will be left behind in the temporary build directory
that allows you to boot into the VM and debug it interactively. */
runInLinuxVM = drv: lib.overrideDerivation drv (attrs: {
requiredSystemFeatures = [ "kvm" ];
builder = "${bash}/bin/sh";
args = ["-e" (vmRunCommand qemuCommandLinux)];
origArgs = attrs.args;
origBuilder = attrs.builder;
QEMU_OPTS = "-m ${toString (if attrs ? memSize then attrs.memSize else 256)}";
qemuCommandGeneric = ''
${kvm}/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
-nographic -no-reboot \
-smb $(pwd) -hda $diskImage \
/* Run a command in an x86 virtual machine image containing an
arbitrary OS. The VM should be configured to do the following:
- Write log output to the serial port.
- Mount // via SMB.
- Execute the command "cmd" on the SMB share. It can access the
original derivation attributes in "saved-env" on the share.
- Produce output under "out" on the SMB share.
- Write an exit code to "in-vm-exit" on the SMB share ("0"
meaning success).
- Power-off or reboot the machine.
runInGenericVM = drv: lib.overrideDerivation drv (attrs: {
system = "i686-linux";
requiredSystemFeatures = [ "kvm" ];
builder = "${bash}/bin/sh";
args = ["-e" (vmRunCommand qemuCommandGeneric)];
QEMU_OPTS = "-m ${toString (if attrs ? memSize then attrs.memSize else 256)}";
preVM = ''
if test -d "$origImage"; then origImage="$origImage/disk-image.qcow2"; fi
${kvm}/bin/qemu-img create -b "$origImage" -f qcow2 $diskImage
echo "$buildCommand" > cmd
eval "$postPreVM"
postVM = ''
cp -prvd out $out
/* Like runInLinuxVM, but run the build not using the stdenv from
the Nix store, but using the tools provided by /bin, /usr/bin
etc. from the specified filesystem image, which typically is a
filesystem containing a non-NixOS Linux distribution. */
runInLinuxImage = attrs: runInLinuxVM (attrs // {
mountDisk = true;
/* Mount `image' as the root FS, but use a temporary copy-on-write
image since we don't want to (and can't) write to `image'. */
preVM = ''
if test -d "$origImage"; then origImage="$origImage/disk-image.qcow2"; fi
${kvm}/bin/qemu-img create -b "$origImage" -f qcow2 $diskImage
/* Inside the VM, run the stdenv setup script normally, but at the
very end set $PATH and $SHELL to the `native' paths for the
distribution inside the VM. */
postHook = ''
eval "$origPostHook"
origPostHook = if attrs ? postHook then attrs.postHook else "";
/* Don't run Nix-specific build steps like patchelf. */
fixupPhase = "true";
/* Create a filesystem image of the specified size and fill it with
a set of RPM packages. */
fillDiskWithRPMs =
{size ? 4096, rpms, name, fullName, preInstall ? "", postInstall ? "", runScripts ? true}:
runInLinuxVM (stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit name preInstall postInstall rpms;
preVM = createEmptyImage {inherit size fullName;};
buildCommand = ''
chroot=$(type -tP chroot)
echo "unpacking RPMs..."
for i in $rpms; do
echo "$i..."
${rpm}/bin/rpm2cpio "$i" | (cd /mnt && ${cpio}/bin/cpio -i --make-directories)
eval "$preInstall"
echo "initialising RPM DB..."
PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin $chroot /mnt \
ldconfig -v || true
PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin $chroot /mnt \
rpm --initdb
# Make the Nix store available in /mnt, because that's where the RPMs live.
mkdir -p /mnt/nix/store
${utillinux}/bin/mount -o bind /nix/store /mnt/nix/store
${utillinux}/bin/mount -o bind /tmp /mnt/tmp
echo "installing RPMs..."
PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin $chroot /mnt \
rpm -iv ${if runScripts then "" else "--noscripts"} $rpms
echo "running post-install script..."
eval "$postInstall"
rm /mnt/.debug
${utillinux}/bin/umount /mnt/nix/store
${utillinux}/bin/umount /mnt/tmp
${utillinux}/bin/umount /mnt
passthru = {inherit fullName;};
/* Generate a script that can be used to run an interactive session
in the given image. */
makeImageTestScript = image: writeScript "image-test" ''
#! ${bash}/bin/sh
if test -z "$1"; then
echo "Syntax: $0 <copy-on-write-temp-file>"
exit 1
if ! test -e "$diskImage"; then
${kvm}/bin/qemu-img create -b ${image}/disk-image.qcow2 -f qcow2 "$diskImage"
export TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
export out=/dummy
export origBuilder=
export origArgs=
export > $TMPDIR/saved-env
/* Build RPM packages from the tarball `src' in the Linux
distribution installed in the filesystem `diskImage'. The
tarball must contain an RPM specfile. */
buildRPM = attrs: runInLinuxImage (stdenv.mkDerivation ({
phases = "prepareImagePhase sysInfoPhase buildPhase installPhase";
outDir = "rpms/${}";
prepareImagePhase = ''
if test -n "$extraRPMs"; then
for rpmdir in $extraRPMs ; do
rpm -iv $(ls $rpmdir/rpms/*/*.rpm | grep -v 'src\.rpm' | sort | head -1)
sysInfoPhase = ''
echo "System/kernel: $(uname -a)"
if test -e /etc/fedora-release; then echo "Fedora release: $(cat /etc/fedora-release)"; fi
if test -e /etc/SuSE-release; then echo "SUSE release: $(cat /etc/SuSE-release)"; fi
header "installed RPM packages"
rpm -qa --qf "%{Name}-%{Version}-%{Release} (%{Arch}; %{Distribution}; %{Vendor})\n"
buildPhase = ''
eval "$preBuild"
# Hacky: RPM looks for <basename>.spec inside the tarball, so
# strip off the hash.
stripHash "$src"
cp "$src" "$srcName" # `ln' doesn't work always work: RPM requires that the file is owned by root
export HOME=/tmp/home
mkdir $HOME
mkdir $rpmout $rpmout/SPECS $rpmout/BUILD $rpmout/RPMS $rpmout/SRPMS
echo "%_topdir $rpmout" >> $HOME/.rpmmacros
rpmbuild -vv -ta "$srcName"
eval "$postBuild"
installPhase = ''
eval "$preInstall"
ensureDir $out/$outDir
find $rpmout -name "*.rpm" -exec cp {} $out/$outDir \;
for i in $out/$outDir/*.rpm; do
header "Generated RPM/SRPM: $i"
rpm -qip $i
eval "$postInstall"
''; # */
} // attrs));
/* Create a filesystem image of the specified size and fill it with
a set of Debian packages. `debs' must be a list of list of
.deb files, namely, the Debian packages grouped together into
strongly connected components. See deb/deb-closure.nix. */
fillDiskWithDebs =
{size ? 4096, debs, name, fullName, postInstall ? null}:
runInLinuxVM (stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit name postInstall;
debs = (lib.intersperse "|" debs);
preVM = createEmptyImage {inherit size fullName;};
buildCommand = ''
# Unpack the .debs. We do this to prevent pre-install scripts
# (which have lots of circular dependencies) from barfing.
echo "unpacking Debs..."
for deb in $debs; do
if test "$deb" != "|"; then
echo "$deb..."
dpkg-deb --extract "$deb" /mnt
# Make the Nix store available in /mnt, because that's where the .debs live.
mkdir -p /mnt/inst/nix/store
${utillinux}/bin/mount -o bind /nix/store /mnt/inst/nix/store
${utillinux}/bin/mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc
${utillinux}/bin/mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
# Misc. files/directories assumed by various packages.
echo "initialising Dpkg DB..."
touch /mnt/etc/shells
touch /mnt/var/lib/dpkg/status
touch /mnt/var/lib/dpkg/available
touch /mnt/var/lib/dpkg/diversions
# Now install the .debs. This is basically just to register
# them with dpkg and to make their pre/post-install scripts
# run.
echo "installing Debs..."
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
for component in $debs; do
echo ">>> INSTALLING COMPONENT: $component"
for i in $component; do
debs="$debs /inst/$i";
chroot=$(type -tP chroot)
PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin $chroot /mnt \
/usr/bin/dpkg --install --force-all $debs < /dev/null
echo "running post-install script..."
eval "$postInstall"
ln -sf dash /mnt/bin/sh
rm /mnt/.debug
${utillinux}/bin/umount /mnt/inst/nix/store
${utillinux}/bin/umount /mnt/proc
${utillinux}/bin/umount /mnt/dev
${utillinux}/bin/umount /mnt
passthru = {inherit fullName;};
/* Generate a Nix expression containing fetchurl calls for the
closure of a set of top-level RPM packages from the
`primary.xml.gz' file of a Fedora or openSUSE distribution. */
rpmClosureGenerator =
{name, packagesList, urlPrefix, packages, archs ? []}:
runCommand "${name}.nix" {buildInputs = [perl perlPackages.XMLSimple]; inherit archs;} ''
gunzip < ${packagesList} > ./packages.xml
perl -w ${rpm/} \
./packages.xml ${urlPrefix} ${toString packages} > $out
/* Helper function that combines rpmClosureGenerator and
fillDiskWithRPMs to generate a disk image from a set of package
names. */
makeImageFromRPMDist =
{ name, fullName, size ? 4096, urlPrefix, packagesList
, packages, extraPackages ? []
, preInstall ? "", postInstall ? "", archs ? ["noarch" "i386"]
, runScripts ? true }:
fillDiskWithRPMs {
inherit name fullName size preInstall postInstall runScripts;
rpms = import (rpmClosureGenerator {
inherit name packagesList urlPrefix archs;
packages = packages ++ extraPackages;
}) {inherit fetchurl;};
/* Like `rpmClosureGenerator', but now for Debian/Ubuntu releases
(i.e. generate a closure from a Packages.bz2 file). */
debClosureGenerator =
{name, packagesList, urlPrefix, packages}:
runCommand "${name}.nix" {} ''
bunzip2 < ${packagesList} > ./Packages
# Work around this bug:
substituteInPlace ./Packages --replace x86_64-linux-gnu x86-64-linux-gnu
${perl}/bin/perl -I${dpkg} -w ${deb/} \
./Packages ${urlPrefix} ${toString packages} > $out
/* Helper function that combines debClosureGenerator and
fillDiskWithDebs to generate a disk image from a set of package
names. */
makeImageFromDebDist =
{ name, fullName, size ? 4096, urlPrefix, packagesList
, packages, extraPackages ? [], postInstall ? "" }:
expr = debClosureGenerator {
inherit name packagesList urlPrefix;
packages = packages ++ extraPackages;
(fillDiskWithDebs {
inherit name fullName size postInstall;
debs = import expr {inherit fetchurl;};
}) // {inherit expr;};
/* The set of supported RPM-based distributions. */
rpmDistros = {
fedora2i386 = {
name = "fedora-core-2-i386";
fullName = "Fedora Core 2 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/core/2/i386/os/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "1nq1k2k0nzkii737cka301f0vbd2ix2wsfvi6bblpi748q6h2w4k";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/core/2/i386/os;
runScripts = false;
packages = commonFedoraPackages;
fedora3i386 = {
name = "fedora-core-3-i386";
fullName = "Fedora Core 3 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/core/3/i386/os/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "13znspn4g1bkjkk47393k9chswgzl6nx1n0q6h2wrw52c7d9nw9i";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/core/3/i386/os;
archs = ["noarch" "i386" "i586"];
runScripts = false;
packages = commonFedoraPackages;
fedora5i386 = {
name = "fedora-core-5-i386";
fullName = "Fedora Core 5 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/core/5/i386/os/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "0lfk4mzrpiyls8h7k9ckc3vgywbmg05zsr4ag6qakgnv9gljijig";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/core/5/i386/os;
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "util-linux" ];
fedora7i386 = {
name = "fedora-7-i386";
fullName = "Fedora 7 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/7/Fedora/i386/os/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "0zq7ifirj45wry7b2qkm12qhzzazal3hn610h5kwbrfr2xavs882";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/7/Fedora/i386/os;
packages = commonFedoraPackages;
fedora8i386 = {
name = "fedora-8-i386";
fullName = "Fedora 8 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/8/Fedora/i386/os/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "0vr9345rrk0vhs4pc9cjp8npdkqz0xqyirv84vhyfn533m9ws36f";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/8/Fedora/i386/os;
packages = commonFedoraPackages;
fedora9i386 = {
name = "fedora-9-i386";
fullName = "Fedora 9 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/9/Fedora/i386/os/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "18780xgyag5acx79warcpvzlfkm0mni8xawl6jjvgxg9n3lp6zg0";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/9/Fedora/i386/os;
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
fedora9x86_64 = {
name = "fedora-9-x86_64";
fullName = "Fedora 9 (x86_64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/9/Fedora/x86_64/os/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "0qcjigzbw29ahhkfjaw5pbpyl7mj9l349hikwv25jcnid1cbpmx7";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/9/Fedora/x86_64/os;
archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
fedora10i386 = {
name = "fedora-10-i386";
fullName = "Fedora 10 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/10/Fedora/i386/os/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "15ha8pxzvlch707mpy06c7pkr2ra2vpd5b8x30qhydvx8fgcqcx9";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/10/Fedora/i386/os;
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
fedora10x86_64 = {
name = "fedora-10-x86_64";
fullName = "Fedora 10 (x86_64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/10/Fedora/x86_64/os/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "1pmaav6mdaw13fq99wfggbsmhcix306cimijjxh35qi7yc3wbsz4";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/10/Fedora/x86_64/os;
archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
fedora11i386 = {
name = "fedora-11-i386";
fullName = "Fedora 11 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/11/Fedora/i386/os/repodata/36af1d88214b770fd3d814a5126083b8e808510c76acfdc3a234d6f7e43c2425-primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "09947kjggmillb1zvb3n1i8his5qhdh1598lv39hyxsb4641vbrn";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/11/Fedora/i386/os;
archs = ["noarch" "i386" "i586"];
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
fedora11x86_64 = {
name = "fedora-11-x86_64";
fullName = "Fedora 11 (x86_64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/11/Fedora/x86_64/os/repodata/c792495863f5314329c463d51860fc74c6367f72c3cb1c132f6c3290102d68da-primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "1nk85l890ckc5w9irjy3f9zkdiklzih1imb3qhll6cgmcdc4k4n7";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/11/Fedora/x86_64/os;
archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
fedora12i386 = {
name = "fedora-12-i386";
fullName = "Fedora 12 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/12/Fedora/i386/os/repodata/92857daf45687583ffa0fa6f8f97c71d08c50d8b6305dfeea8a3332bf2f7f27c-primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "0z7jyzr2ncx3m3pdy1b3ic6wa20xqybqyvzsl3zq6xb88nppv1cj";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/12/Fedora/i386/os;
archs = ["noarch" "i386" "i586" "i686"];
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
fedora12x86_64 = {
name = "fedora-12-x86_64";
fullName = "Fedora 12 (x86_64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/12/Fedora/x86_64/os/repodata/a4ebee776b3c4898086e124a512e7f8c701ab1699fd83b2dcea3d7592b5c9ff0-primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "1w4zbhmmkmx3rqnkpn4zd6qilw4cgwp52jhjdq49hj1wddvyxsx4";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/12/Fedora/x86_64/os;
archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
fedora13i386 = {
name = "fedora-13-i386";
fullName = "Fedora 13 (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/13/Fedora/i386/os/repodata/48c649978f695e8bf6214d16ff5413f8ab303976b33d0e96e0a5706e6f870682-primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "10h6hxpnww55w2b0wgdkfqwk1azq2dagy5jd47v8npk9iyblkij8";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/13/Fedora/i386/os;
archs = ["noarch" "i386" "i586" "i686"];
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
fedora13x86_64 = {
name = "fedora-13-x86_64";
fullName = "Fedora 13 (x86_64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/13/Fedora/x86_64/os/repodata/ed88d22fca1c8bcc07d85bb677d5f8f45422a373a53b6dd213d57d7dfc278878-primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "0y484zy7szfm2g96sfx5ffij4m7lz3apgdjvv03wr2qwr8px527d";
urlPrefix = mirror://fedora/linux/releases/13/Fedora/x86_64/os;
archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
packages = commonFedoraPackages ++ [ "cronie" "util-linux-ng" ];
opensuse103i386 = {
name = "opensuse-10.3-i586";
fullName = "openSUSE 10.3 (i586)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://opensuse/10.3/repo/oss/suse/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "0zb5kxsb755nqq9i8jdclmanacyf551ncx6a011v9jqphsvyfvd7";
urlPrefix = mirror://opensuse/10.3/repo/oss/suse/;
archs = ["noarch" "i586"];
packages = commonOpenSUSEPackages ++ [ "devs" ];
opensuse110i386 = {
name = "opensuse-11.0-i586";
fullName = "openSUSE 11.0 (i586)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://opensuse/11.0/repo/oss/suse/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "13rv855aj8p3h1zpsji5xa1wpkhgq94gcxzvg05l2b68b15q3mwn";
urlPrefix = mirror://opensuse/11.0/repo/oss/suse/;
archs = ["noarch" "i586"];
packages = commonOpenSUSEPackages;
opensuse110x86_64 = {
name = "opensuse-11.0-x86_64";
fullName = "openSUSE 11.0 (x86_64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://opensuse/11.0/repo/oss/suse/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "13rv855aj8p3h1zpsji5xa1wpkhgq94gcxzvg05l2b68b15q3mwn";
urlPrefix = mirror://opensuse/11.0/repo/oss/suse/;
archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
packages = commonOpenSUSEPackages;
opensuse111i386 = {
name = "opensuse-11.1-i586";
fullName = "openSUSE 11.1 (i586)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://opensuse/11.1/repo/oss/suse/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "1mfmp9afikj0hci1s8cpwjdr0ycbpfym9gdhci590r9fa75w221j";
urlPrefix = mirror://opensuse/11.1/repo/oss/suse/;
archs = ["noarch" "i586"];
packages = commonOpenSUSEPackages;
opensuse111x86_64 = {
name = "opensuse-11.1-x86_64";
fullName = "openSUSE 11.1 (x86_64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://opensuse/11.1/repo/oss/suse/repodata/primary.xml.gz;
sha256 = "1mfmp9afikj0hci1s8cpwjdr0ycbpfym9gdhci590r9fa75w221j";
urlPrefix = mirror://opensuse/11.1/repo/oss/suse/;
archs = ["noarch" "x86_64"];
packages = commonOpenSUSEPackages;
/* The set of supported Dpkg-based distributions. */
debDistros = {
# Interestingly, the SHA-256 hashes provided by Ubuntu in
#{gutsy,hardy}/Release are
# wrong, but the SHA-1 and MD5 hashes are correct. Intrepid is fine.
ubuntu710i386 = {
name = "ubuntu-7.10-gutsy-i386";
fullName = "Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2;
sha1 = "8b52ee3d417700e2b2ee951517fa25a8792cabfd";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
ubuntu804i386 = {
name = "ubuntu-8.04-hardy-i386";
fullName = "Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2;
sha1 = "db74581ee75cb3bee2a8ae62364e97956c723259";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
ubuntu804x86_64 = {
name = "ubuntu-8.04-hardy-amd64";
fullName = "Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy (amd64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2;
sha1 = "d1f1d2b3cc62533d6e4337f2696a5d27235d1f28";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
ubuntu810i386 = {
name = "ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-i386";
fullName = "Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "70483d40a9e9b74598f2faede7df5d5103ee60055af7374f8db5c7e6017c4cf6";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
ubuntu810x86_64 = {
name = "ubuntu-8.10-intrepid-amd64";
fullName = "Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid (amd64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "01b2f3842cbdd5834446ddf91691bcf60f59a726dcefa23fb5b93fdc8ea7e27f";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
ubuntu904i386 = {
name = "ubuntu-9.04-jaunty-i386";
fullName = "Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "72c95e4901ad56ce8791723e2ae40bce2399f306f9956cac80e964011e1948d0";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
ubuntu904x86_64 = {
name = "ubuntu-9.04-jaunty-amd64";
fullName = "Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty (amd64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "af760ce04e43f066b8938b1abdeff979a642f940515659ede44f7877ca358ca8";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
ubuntu910i386 = {
name = "ubuntu-9.10-karmic-i386";
fullName = "Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "6e3e813857496f2af6cd7e6ada06b3398fa067a7992c5fd7e8bd8fa92e3548b7";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diff" ];
ubuntu910x86_64 = {
name = "ubuntu-9.10-karmic-amd64";
fullName = "Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic (amd64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "3a604fcb0c135eeb8b95da3e90a8fd4cfeff519b858cd3c9e62ea808cb9fec40";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diff" ];
ubuntu1004i386 = {
name = "ubuntu-10.04-lucid-i386";
fullName = "Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "0e46596202a68caa754dfe0883f46047525309880c492cdd5e2d0970fcf626aa";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" ];
ubuntu1004x86_64 = {
name = "ubuntu-10.04-lucid-amd64";
fullName = "Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid (amd64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "74a8f3192b0eda397d65316e0fa6cd34d5358dced41639e07d9f1047971bfef0";
urlPrefix = mirror://ubuntu;
packages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "diffutils" ];
debian40i386 = {
name = "debian-4.0r9-etch-i386";
fullName = "Debian 4.0r9 Etch (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://debian/dists/etch/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "40eeeecc35e6895b6eb0bc601e38fe53fc985d1b1f3fea3766f34763d21f206f";
urlPrefix = mirror://debian;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
debian40x86_64 = {
name = "debian-4.0r9-etch-amd64";
fullName = "Debian 4.0r9 Etch (amd64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://debian/dists/etch/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "cf1c4c7d72e0da45797b046011254d2bd83f5ecb7389c7f30d2561be3f5b2e49";
urlPrefix = mirror://debian;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
debian50i386 = {
name = "debian-5.0.5-lenny-i386";
fullName = "Debian 5.0.5 Lenny (i386)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://debian/dists/lenny/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "1nzd0r44lnvw2bmshqpbhghs84fxbcr1jkg55d37v4d09gsdmln0";
urlPrefix = mirror://debian;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
debian50x86_64 = {
name = "debian-5.0.5-lenny-amd64";
fullName = "Debian 5.0.5 Lenny (amd64)";
packagesList = fetchurl {
url = mirror://debian/dists/lenny/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2;
sha256 = "04hab4ybjilppr1hwnl4k50vr5y88w7zn6v22phfrsrxf23nrlv3";
urlPrefix = mirror://debian;
packages = commonDebianPackages;
/* Common packages for Fedora images. */
commonFedoraPackages = [
/* Common packages for openSUSE images. */
commonOpenSUSEPackages = [
/* Common packages for Debian/Ubuntu images. */
commonDebPackages = [
# Needed by checkinstall:
# Needed because it provides /etc/login.defs, whose absence causes
# the "passwd" post-installs script to fail.
# For shutting up some messages during some post-install scripts:
commonDebianPackages = commonDebPackages ++ [ "sysvinit" "diff" ];
/* A set of functions that build the Linux distributions specified
in `rpmDistros' and `debDistros'. For instance,
`diskImageFuns.ubuntu1004x86_64 { }' builds an Ubuntu 10.04 disk
image containing the default packages specified above. Overrides
of the default image parameters can be given. In particular,
`extraPackages' specifies the names of additional packages from
the distribution that should be included in the image; `packages'
allows the entire set of packages to be overriden; and `size'
sets the size of the disk in megabytes. E.g.,
`diskImageFuns.ubuntu1004x86_64 { extraPackages = ["firefox"];
size = 8192; }' builds an 8 GiB image containing Firefox in
addition to the default packages. */
diskImageFuns =
(lib.mapAttrs (name: as: as2: makeImageFromRPMDist (as // as2)) rpmDistros) //
(lib.mapAttrs (name: as: as2: makeImageFromDebDist (as // as2)) debDistros);
/* Shorthand for `diskImageFuns.<attr> { extraPackages = ... }'. */
diskImageExtraFuns =
lib.mapAttrs (name: f: extraPackages: f { inherit extraPackages; }) diskImageFuns;
/* Default disk images generated from the `rpmDistros' and
`debDistros' sets (along with Red Hat 9 and SuSE 9.0 images). */
diskImages =
lib.mapAttrs (name: f: f {}) diskImageFuns //
{ redhat9i386 = fillDiskWithRPMs {
name = "redhat-9-i386";
fullName = "Red Hat Linux 9 (i386)";
size = 1024;
rpms = import ./rpm/redhat-9-i386.nix {inherit fetchurl;};
suse90i386 = fillDiskWithRPMs {
name = "suse-9.0-i386";
fullName = "SUSE Linux 9.0 (i386)";
size = 1024;
rpms = import ./rpm/suse-9-i386.nix {inherit fetchurl;};
# Urgh. The /etc/group entries are installed by aaa_base (or
# something) but due to dependency ordering, that package isn't
# installed yet by the time some other packages refer to these
# entries.
preInstall = ''
echo 'bin:x:1:daemon' >> /mnt/etc/group
echo 'tty:x:5:' >> /mnt/etc/group
echo 'disk:x:6:' >> /mnt/etc/group
echo 'lp:x:7:' >> /mnt/etc/group
echo 'uucp:x:14:' >> /mnt/etc/group
echo 'audio:x:17:' >> /mnt/etc/group
echo 'video:x:33:' >> /mnt/etc/group