
43 lines
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{ stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, rustPlatform
, pkgconfig
, libressl
, curl
, Security
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
pname = "wasm-pack";
version = "0.9.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "rustwasm";
repo = "wasm-pack";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1rqyfg6ajxxyfx87ar25nf5ck9hd0p12qgv98dicniqag8l4rvsr";
cargoSha256 = "0fw04hgxxqsbp1pylp32yd087r9bb8bpa05v90qdshkgp6znfl9s";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = [
# LibreSSL works around segfault issues caused by OpenSSL being unable to
# gracefully exit while doing work.
# See:
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ curl Security ];
# Most tests rely on external resources and build artifacts.
# Disabling check here to work with build sandboxing.
doCheck = false;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "A utility that builds rust-generated WebAssembly package";
homepage = "";
license = with licenses; [ asl20 /* or */ mit ];
maintainers = [ maintainers.dhkl ];