{pkgs, config, ...}: ###### interface let inherit (pkgs.lib) mkOption mkIf; options = { services = { postfix = { enable = mkOption { default = false; description =" Whether to run the Postfix mail server. "; }; user = mkOption { default = "postfix"; description = " How to call postfix user (must be used only for postfix). "; }; group = mkOption { default = "postfix"; description = " How to call postfix group (must be used only for postfix). "; }; setgidGroup = mkOption { default = "postdrop"; description = " How to call postfix setgid group (for postdrop). Should be uniquely used group. "; }; networks = mkOption { default = null; example = [""]; description = " Net masks for trusted - allowed to relay mail to third parties - hosts. Leave empty to use mynetworks_style configuration or use default (localhost-only). "; }; networksStyle = mkOption { default = ""; description = " Name of standard way of trusted network specification to use, leave blank if you specify it explicitly or if you want to use default (localhost-only). "; }; hostname = mkOption { default = ""; description =" Hostname to use. Leave blank to use just the hostname of machine. It should be FQDN. "; }; domain = mkOption { default = ""; description =" Domain to use. Leave blank to use hostname minus first component. "; }; origin = mkOption { default = ""; description =" Origin to use in outgoing e-mail. Leave blank to use hostname. "; }; destination = mkOption { default = null; example = ["localhost"]; description = " Full (!) list of domains we deliver locally. Leave blank for acceptable Postfix default. "; }; relayDomains = mkOption { default = null; example = ["localdomain"]; description = " List of domains we agree to relay to. Default is the same as destination. "; }; relayHost = mkOption { default = ""; description = " Mail relay for outbound mail. "; }; lookupMX = mkOption { default = false; description = " Whether relay specified is just domain whose MX must be used. "; }; postmasterAlias = mkOption { default = "root"; description = " Who should receive postmaster e-mail. "; }; rootAlias = mkOption { default = ""; description = " Who should receive root e-mail. Blank for no redirection. "; }; extraAliases = mkOption { default = ""; description = " Additional entries to put verbatim into aliases file. "; }; sslCert = mkOption { default = ""; description = " SSL certificate to use. "; }; sslCACert = mkOption { default = ""; description = " SSL certificate of CA. "; }; sslKey = mkOption { default = ""; description =" SSL key to use. "; }; recipientDelimiter = mkOption { default = ""; example = "+"; description = " Delimiter for address extension: so mail to user+test can be handled by ~user/.forward+test "; }; }; }; }; in ###### implementation let startingDependency = if config.services.gw6c.enable then "gw6c" else "network-interfaces"; cfg = config.services.postfix; user = cfg.user; group = cfg.group; setgidGroup = cfg.setgidGroup; idList = import ../system/ids.nix; optionalString = pkgs.lib.optionalString; concatStringsSep = pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep; mainCf = '' queue_directory = /var/postfix/queue command_directory = ${pkgs.postfix}/sbin daemon_directory = ${pkgs.postfix}/libexec/postfix mail_owner = ${user} default_privs = nobody '' + optionalString (config.services.gw6c.enable || config.networking.nativeIPv6) ('' inet_protocols = all '') + (if cfg.networks!=null then ('' mynetworks = ${concatStringsSep ", " cfg.networks} '') else if (cfg.networksStyle != "") then ('' mynetworks_style = ${cfg.networksStyle} '') else # Postfix default is subnet, but let's play safe ('' mynetworks_style = host '') ) + optionalString (cfg.hostname != "") ('' myhostname = ${cfg.hostname} '') + optionalString (cfg.domain != "") ('' mydomain = ${cfg.domain} '') + optionalString (cfg.origin != "") ('' myorigin = ${cfg.origin} '') + optionalString (cfg.destination != null) ('' mydestination = ${concatStringsSep ", " cfg.destination} '') + optionalString (cfg.relayDomains != null) ('' relay_domains = ${concatStringsSep ", " cfg.relayDomains} '') + '' local_recipient_maps = '' + ('' relayhost = ${if cfg.lookupMX || cfg.relayHost == "" then cfg.relayHost else "[" + cfg.relayHost + "]"} '') + ('' alias_maps = hash:/var/postfix/conf/aliases mail_spool_directory = /var/spool/mail/ setgid_group = ${setgidGroup} '') + optionalString (cfg.sslCert != "") ('' smtp_tls_CAfile = ${cfg.sslCACert} smtp_tls_cert_file = ${cfg.sslCert} smtp_tls_key_file = ${cfg.sslKey} smtp_use_tls = yes smtpd_tls_CAfile = ${cfg.sslCACert} smtpd_tls_cert_file = ${cfg.sslCert} smtpd_tls_key_file = ${cfg.sslKey} smtpd_use_tls = yes recipientDelimiter = ${cfg.recipientDelimiter} '') ; aliases = (optionalString (cfg.postmasterAlias != "") ('' postmaster: ${cfg.postmasterAlias} '')) + (optionalString (cfg.rootAlias != "") ('' root: ${cfg.rootAlias} '')) + cfg.extraAliases ; aliasesFile = pkgs.writeText "postfix-aliases" aliases; mainCfFile = pkgs.writeText "postfix-main.cf" mainCf; in mkIf config.services.postfix.enable { require = [ options ]; environment = { etc = [{ source = "/var/postfix/conf"; target = "postfix"; }]; }; users = { extraUsers = [ { name = user; description = "Postfix mail server user"; uid = idList.uids.postfix; group = group; } ]; extraGroups = [ { name = group; gid = idList.gids.postfix; } { name = setgidGroup; gid = idList.gids.postdrop; } ]; }; services = { extraJobs = [{ name = "postfix"; # I copy _lots_ of shipped configuration filed # that can be left as is. I am afraid the exact # will list slightly change in next Postfix # release, so listing them all one-by-one in an # accurate way is unlikely to be better. job = '' description "Postfix mail server job" start on ${startingDependency}/started stop on never script if ! [ -d /var/spool/postfix ]; then ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p /var/spool/mail /var/postfix/conf /var/postfix/queue fi ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown -R ${user}.${group} /var/postfix ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown -R ${user}.${setgidGroup} /var/postfix/queue ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod -R ug+rwX /var/postfix/queue ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown root.root /var/spool/mail ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod a+rwxt /var/spool/mail ln -sf ${pkgs.postfix}/share/postfix/conf/* /var/postfix/conf ln -sf ${aliasesFile} /var/postfix/conf/aliases ln -sf ${mainCfFile} /var/postfix/conf/main.cf ${pkgs.postfix}/sbin/postalias -c /var/postfix/conf /var/postfix/conf/aliases ${pkgs.postfix}/sbin/postfix -c /var/postfix/conf start end script ''; }]; }; }