# Provide a basic configuration for installation devices like CDs. { config, pkgs, modules, ... }: with pkgs.lib; let # Location of the repository on the harddrive nixosPath = toString ../..; # Check if the path is from the NixOS repository isNixOSFile = path: let s = toString path; in removePrefix nixosPath s != s; # Copy modules given as extra configuration files. Unfortunately, we # cannot serialized attribute set given in the list of modules (that's why # you should use files). moduleFiles = filter isPath modules; # Partition module files because between NixOS and non-NixOS files. NixOS # files may change if the repository is updated. partitionedModuleFiles = let p = partition isNixOSFile moduleFiles; in { nixos = p.right; others = p.wrong; }; # Path transformed to be valid on the installation device. Thus the # device configuration could be rebuild. relocatedModuleFiles = let relocateNixOS = path: "/etc/nixos/nixos" + removePrefix nixosPath (toString path); relocateOthers = null; in { nixos = map relocateNixOS partitionedModuleFiles.nixos; others = []; # TODO: copy the modules to the install-device repository. }; # A dummy /etc/nixos/configuration.nix in the booted CD that # rebuilds the CD's configuration (and allows the configuration to # be modified, of course, providing a true live CD). Problem is # that we don't really know how the CD was built - the Nix # expression language doesn't allow us to query the expression being # evaluated. So we'll just hope for the best. configClone = pkgs.writeText "configuration.nix" '' {config, pkgs, ...}: { require = [ ${toString config.installer.cloneConfigIncludes} ]; # Add your own options below and run "nixos-rebuild switch". # E.g., # services.openssh.enable = true; } ''; in { imports = [ # Enable devices which are usually scanned, because we don't know the # target system. ../installer/scan/detected.nix ../installer/scan/not-detected.nix ]; options = { system.nixosVersion = mkOption { default = "${builtins.readFile ../../VERSION}"; description = '' NixOS version number. ''; }; installer.cloneConfig = mkOption { default = true; description = '' Try to clone the installation-device configuration by re-using it's profile from the list of imported modules. ''; }; installer.cloneConfigIncludes = mkOption { default = []; example = [ "./nixos/modules/hardware/network/rt73.nix" ]; description = '' List of modules used to re-build this installation device profile. ''; }; # Ignored. Kept for Backward compatibiliy. # you can retrieve the profiles which have been used by looking at the # list of modules use to configure the installation device. installer.configModule = mkOption { example = "./nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd.nix"; description = '' Filename of the configuration module that builds the CD configuration. Must be specified to support reconfiguration in live CDs. ''; }; }; config = { installer.cloneConfigIncludes = relocatedModuleFiles.nixos ++ relocatedModuleFiles.others; # Show the manual. services.nixosManual.showManual = true; # Let the user play Rogue on TTY 8 during the installation. services.rogue.enable = true; # Disable some other stuff we don't need. security.sudo.enable = false; # Include only the en_US locale. This saves 75 MiB or so compared to # the full glibcLocales package. i18n.supportedLocales = ["en_US.UTF-8/UTF-8" "en_US/ISO-8859-1"]; # nixos-install will do a pull from this channel to speed up the # installation. installer.nixpkgsURL = http://nixos.org/releases/nixpkgs/channels/nixpkgs-unstable; boot.postBootCommands = '' # Provide a mount point for nixos-install. mkdir -p /mnt ${optionalString config.installer.cloneConfig '' # Provide a configuration for the CD/DVD itself, to allow users # to run nixos-rebuild to change the configuration of the # running system on the CD/DVD. cp ${configClone} /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ''} ''; # Some more help text. services.mingetty.helpLine = '' Log in as "root" with an empty password. ${ if config.services.xserver.enable then "Type `start xserver' to start\nthe graphical user interface." else "" } ''; # Allow sshd to be started manually through "start sshd". It should # not be started by default on the installation CD because the # default root password is empty. services.openssh.enable = true; jobs.sshd.startOn = pkgs.lib.mkOverride 50 ""; # Enable wpa_supplicant, but don't start it by default. networking.wireless.enable = true; jobs.wpa_supplicant.startOn = pkgs.lib.mkOverride 50 ""; }; }