#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Typical command to generate the list of tarballs: # curl http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/xorg/ | perl -e 'while (<>) { if (/href="([^"]*.bz2)"/) { print "$1\n"; }; }' > list use strict; my $baseURL = "http://nix.cs.uu.nl/dist/tarballs/xorg"; my $tmpDir = "/tmp/xorg-unpack"; my %pkgURLs; my %pkgHashes; my %pkgNames; my %pkgRequires; my %pcMap; $pcMap{"freetype2"} = "freetype"; $pcMap{"fontconfig"} = "fontconfig"; $pcMap{"libpng12"} = "libpng"; $pcMap{"libdrm"} = "libdrm"; while (<>) { chomp; my $tarball = "$baseURL/$_"; print "DOING TARBALL $tarball\n\n"; $tarball =~ /\/((?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9]|(?:-[^0-9])|(?:-[0-9]*[a-z]))+))[^\/]*$/; die unless defined $1; my $pkg = $1; $pkg =~ s/-//g; $pkgURLs{$pkg} = $tarball; # print "$pkg\n"; my ($hash, $path) = `PRINT_PATH=1 QUIET=1 nix-prefetch-url '$tarball'`; chomp $hash; chomp $path; $pkgHashes{$pkg} = $hash; $tarball =~ /\/([^\/]*)\.tar\.bz2$/; $pkgNames{$pkg} = $1; print "\nunpacking $path\n"; system "rm -rf '$tmpDir'"; mkdir $tmpDir, 0700; system "cd '$tmpDir' && tar xvfj '$path'"; die "cannot unpack `$path'" if $? != 0; print "\n"; my $provides = `cd '$tmpDir'/* && ls *.pc.in`; my @provides2 = split '\n', $provides; print "PROVIDES @provides2\n\n"; foreach my $pc (@provides2) { $pc =~ s/.pc.in//; die "collission with $pcMap{$pc}" if defined $pcMap{$pc}; $pcMap{$pc} = $pkg; } my @requires = (); my %requires = (); open FOO, "cd '$tmpDir'/* && grep PKG_CHECK_MODULES configure.ac |"; while () { if (/PKG_CHECK_MODULES\([^,]*,\s*\[?([^\),\]]*)/) { foreach my $req (split / /, $1) { next if $req eq ">="; next if $req =~ /^\$/; next if $req =~ /^[0-9]/; $req =~ s/\[//g; $req =~ s/\]//g; if (!defined $requires{$req}) { push @requires, $req; $requires{$req} = 1; } } } } print "REQUIRES @requires\n"; $pkgRequires{$pkg} = \@requires; print "done\n"; } print "\nWRITE OUT\n"; open OUT, ">out"; print OUT ""; print OUT <