{ path, thisConfig, config, lib, pkgs, upstartHelpers } : with upstartHelpers; { options = { description = "synergy client lets you use a shared keyboard, mouse and clipboard"; configuration = mkOption { description = " The synergy server configuration file "; }; screenName = mkOption { default = ""; description = " use screen-name instead the hostname to identify this screen in the configuration. "; apply = x: "-n '${x}'"; }; address = mkOption { default = ""; description = "listen for clients on the given address"; apply = x: "-a '${x}'"; }; }; jobs = [ ( rec { name = "synergys"; extraEtc = [ (autoGeneratedEtcFile { name = name + ".conf"; content = thisConfig.configuration; }) ]; # TODO start only when X Server has started as well job = " description \"${name}\" start on network-interfaces/started and xserver/started stop on network-interfaces/stop or xserver/stop exec ${pkgs.synergy}/bin/synergys -c /etc/${name}.conf -f ${configV "address"} ${configV "screenName"} "; } ) ]; } /* Example configuration section: screens laptop: dm: win: end section: aliases laptop: dm: win: end section: links laptop: left = dm dm: right = laptop left = win win: right = dm end */