{ config, pkgs }: with pkgs.lib; { serviceOptions = { description = mkOption { default = ""; types = types.uniq types.string; description = "Description of this unit used in systemd messages and progress indicators."; }; requires = mkOption { default = []; types = types.listOf types.string; description = '' Start the specified units when this unit is started, and stop this unit when the specified units are stopped or fail. ''; }; wants = mkOption { default = []; types = types.listOf types.string; description = '' Start the specified units when this unit is started. ''; }; after = mkOption { default = []; types = types.listOf types.string; description = '' If the specified units are started at the same time as this unit, delay this unit until they have started. ''; }; before = mkOption { default = []; types = types.listOf types.string; description = '' If the specified units are started at the same time as this unit, delay them until this unit has started. ''; }; partOf = mkOption { default = []; types = types.listOf types.string; description = '' If the specified units are stopped or restarted, then this unit is stopped or restarted as well. ''; }; wantedBy = mkOption { default = []; types = types.listOf types.string; description = "Units that want (i.e. depend on) this unit."; }; environment = mkOption { default = {}; type = types.attrs; example = { PATH = "/foo/bar/bin"; LANG = "nl_NL.UTF-8"; }; description = "Environment variables passed to the services's processes."; }; path = mkOption { default = []; apply = ps: "${makeSearchPath "bin" ps}:${makeSearchPath "sbin" ps}"; description = '' Packages added to the service's PATH environment variable. Both the bin and sbin subdirectories of each package are added. ''; }; unitConfig = mkOption { default = ""; type = types.string; description = '' Contents of the [Unit] section of the unit. See systemd.unit 5 for details. ''; }; serviceConfig = mkOption { default = ""; type = types.string; description = '' Contents of the [Service] section of the unit. See systemd.service 5 for details. ''; }; script = mkOption { type = types.uniq types.string; default = ""; description = "Shell commands executed as the service's main process."; }; preStart = mkOption { type = types.string; default = ""; description = '' Shell commands executed before the service's main process is started. ''; }; }; }