#!/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; #usage PATH=< : separated path list> perl <this script> file1 file2 print "TODO fix space trouble. This script won't work if your paths contain spaces"; sub findInPath{ my $file = shift(@_); foreach (split(/:/, $ENV{'PATH'})){ my $f = "$_/$file"; if (-x "$f"){ return $f; } } print "unable to find $file in on of ".$ENV{'PATH'}; exit 1 } foreach (@ARGV) { my $file = $_; open(FILE, $file); my $content = do { local $/; <FILE> }; close(FILE); (my $name = $content) =~ /^#![^ ]*\/([^ \n\r]*)/; my $fullpath = ($1 eq 'sh') ? "/bin/sh" : findInPath($1); $content =~ s/^#![^ \n\r]*/#!$fullpath/; open(FILE, ">$file"); print FILE $content; close($file); }