{pkgs, config, ...}: ###### interface let inherit (pkgs.lib) mkOption mkIf; options = { services = { ntp = { enable = mkOption { default = true; description = " Whether to synchronise your machine's time using the NTP protocol. "; }; servers = mkOption { default = [ "0.pool.ntp.org" "1.pool.ntp.org" "2.pool.ntp.org" ]; description = " The set of NTP servers from which to synchronise. "; }; }; }; }; in ###### implementation let inherit (pkgs) writeText ntp; stateDir = "/var/lib/ntp"; ntpUser = "ntp"; servers = config.services.ntp.servers; modprobe = config.system.sbin.modprobe; configFile = writeText "ntp.conf" '' driftfile ${stateDir}/ntp.drift ${toString (map (server: "server " + server + "\n") servers)} ''; ntpFlags = "-c ${configFile} -u ${ntpUser}:nogroup -i ${stateDir}"; in mkIf config.services.ntp.enable { require = [ options ]; services = { extraJobs = [{ name = "ntpd"; users = [ { name = ntpUser; uid = (import ../system/ids.nix).uids.ntp; description = "NTP daemon user"; home = stateDir; } ]; job = '' description "NTP daemon" start on ip-up stop on ip-down stop on shutdown start script mkdir -m 0755 -p ${stateDir} chown ${ntpUser} ${stateDir} # Needed to run ntpd as an unprivileged user. ${modprobe}/sbin/modprobe capability || true ${ntp}/bin/ntpd -q -g ${ntpFlags} end script respawn ${ntp}/bin/ntpd -n ${ntpFlags} ''; }]; }; }