{platform ? __currentSystem} : let isoFun = import ./rescue-cd-configurable.nix; xResolutions = [ { x = 2048; y = 1536; } { x = 1920; y = 1024; } { x = 1280; y = 800; } { x = 1024; y = 768; } { x = 800; y = 600; } { x = 640; y = 480; } ]; xConfiguration = { enable = true; exportConfiguration = true; tcpEnable = true; resolutions = xResolutions; sessionType = "xterm"; windowManager = "twm"; tty = "9"; }; in (isoFun { inherit platform; lib = (import ../../pkgs/lib); networkNixpkgs = ""; manualEnabled = true; rogueEnabled = true; sshdEnabled = true; fontConfigEnabled = true; sudoEnable = true; includeMemtest = true; includeStdenv = true; includeBuildDeps = true; addUsers = ["nixos" "livecd" "livedvd" "user" "guest" "nix"]; extraModulePackages = pkgs: [pkgs.kernelPackages.kqemu]; extraInitrdKernelModules = import ./moduleList.nix; packages = pkgs : [ pkgs.which pkgs.file pkgs.zip pkgs.unzip pkgs.unrar pkgs.db4 pkgs.attr pkgs.acl pkgs.manpages pkgs.cabextract pkgs.upstartJobControl pkgs.utillinuxCurses pkgs.emacs pkgs.lsof pkgs.vimHugeX pkgs.firefoxWrapper pkgs.xlaunch pkgs.ratpoison pkgs.xorg.twm pkgs.xorg.xorgserver pkgs.xorg.xhost pkgs.xorg.xfontsel pkgs.xlaunch pkgs.xorg.xauth pkgs.xorg.xset pkgs.xterm pkgs.xorg.xev pkgs.xorg.xmodmap pkgs.xorg.xkbcomp pkgs.xorg.setxkbmap pkgs.mssys pkgs.testdisk pkgs.gdb ]; configList = configuration : [ { suffix = "X-vesa"; configuration = args: ((configuration args) // { boot=(configuration args).boot // {configurationName = "X with vesa";}; services = (configuration args).services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "vesa";}; }; }); } { suffix = "X-Intel"; configuration = args: ((configuration args) // { boot=(configuration args).boot // {configurationName = "X with Intel graphic card";}; services = (configuration args).services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "intel"; driSupport = true;}; }; }); } { suffix = "X-ATI"; configuration = args: ((configuration args) // { boot=(configuration args).boot // {configurationName = "X with ATI graphic card";}; services = (configuration args).services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "ati"; driSupport = true;}; }; }); } { suffix = "X-NVIDIA"; configuration = args: ((configuration args) // { boot=(configuration args).boot // {configurationName = "X with NVIDIA graphic card";}; services = (configuration args).services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "nvidia"; driSupport = true;}; }; }); } ]; }).rescueCD