{platform ? __currentSystem} : let isoFun = import ./rescue-cd-configurable.nix; xResolutions = [ { x = 2048; y = 1536; } { x = 1920; y = 1024; } { x = 1280; y = 800; } { x = 1024; y = 768; } { x = 800; y = 600; } { x = 640; y = 480; } ]; xConfiguration = { enable = true; exportConfiguration = true; tcpEnable = true; resolutions = xResolutions; sessionType = "xterm"; windowManager = "twm"; tty = "9"; }; theKernel = pkgs: let baseKernel=pkgs.kernel; in (pkgs.module_aggregation [ baseKernel (pkgs.kqemuFunCurrent baseKernel) (pkgs.atherosFun { kernel = baseKernel; version = "r2756"; pci001c_rev01 = true; } null) ]); in (isoFun { inherit platform; lib = (import ../pkgs/lib); networkNixpkgs = ""; manualEnabled = true; rogueEnabled = true; sshdEnabled = true; fontConfigEnabled = true; sudoEnable = true; includeMemtest = true; includeStdenv = true; includeBuildDeps = true; addUsers = ["nixos" "livecd" "livedvd" "user" "guest" "nix"]; kernel = pkgs: ( pkgs.module_aggregation [pkgs.kernel] ); packages = pkgs : [ pkgs.which pkgs.file pkgs.zip pkgs.unzip pkgs.unrar pkgs.db4 pkgs.attr pkgs.acl pkgs.manpages pkgs.cabextract pkgs.upstartJobControl pkgs.utillinuxCurses pkgs.emacs pkgs.lsof pkgs.vimHugeX pkgs.firefoxWrapper pkgs.xlaunch pkgs.ratpoison pkgs.xorg.twm pkgs.xorg.xorgserver pkgs.xorg.xhost pkgs.xorg.xfontsel pkgs.xlaunch pkgs.xorg.xauth pkgs.xorg.xset pkgs.xterm pkgs.xorg.xev pkgs.xorg.xmodmap pkgs.xorg.xkbcomp pkgs.xorg.setxkbmap ]; configList = configuration : [ { suffix = "X-vesa"; configuration = (configuration // { boot=configuration.boot // {configurationName = "X with vesa";}; services = configuration.services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "vesa";}; }; }); } { suffix = "X-Intel"; configuration = (configuration // { boot=configuration.boot // {configurationName = "X with Intel graphic card";}; services = configuration.services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "intel"; driSupport = true;}; }; }); } { suffix = "X-ATI"; configuration = (configuration // { boot=configuration.boot // {configurationName = "X with ATI graphic card";}; services = configuration.services // { xserver = xConfiguration // {videoDriver = "ati"; driSupport = true;}; }; }); } ]; }).rescueCD