{stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, aterm}: stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "stratego-libraries-0.17"; src = fetchurl { url = http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/martin/stratego-libraries.tar.gz; md5 = "e99ce18179400c8ef373e8e668a4c576"; }; buildInputs = [pkgconfig aterm]; configureFlags = if stdenv ? isMinGW && stdenv.isMinGW then "--with-std=C99" else ""; # avoids loads of warnings about too big description fields because of a broken debug format CFLAGS = if stdenv ? isMinGW && stdenv.isMinGW then "-O2" else null; # MinGW bootstrap pkg-config does not support the pkg-config setup-hook yet. PKG_CONFIG_PATH = aterm + "/lib/pkgconfig"; }