let version = "5.2.9"; in args: with args; let inherit (args.composableDerivation) composableDerivation edf wwf; in composableDerivation {} ( fixed : { name = "php_configurable-${version}"; buildInputs = ["flex" "bison" "pkgconfig"]; flags = { # much left to do here... # SAPI modules: apxs2 = { configureFlags = ["--with-apxs2=${apacheHttpd}/bin/apxs"]; buildInputs = [apacheHttpd]; }; # Extensions curl = { configureFlags = ["--with-curl=${args.curl}" "--with-curlwrappers"]; buildInputs = [curl openssl]; }; zlib = { configureFlags = ["--with-zlib=${args.zlib}"]; buildInputs = [zlib]; }; libxml2 = { configureFlags = ["--with-libxml-dir=${libxml2}"]; buildInputs = [ libxml2 ]; }; sqlite = { configureFlags = ["--with-pdo-sqlite=${sqlite}"]; buildInputs = [ sqlite ]; }; postgresql = { configureFlags = ["--with-pgsql=${postgresql}"]; buildInputs = [ postgresql ]; }; mysql = { configureFlags = ["--with-mysql=${mysql}"]; buildInputs = [ mysql ]; }; mysqli = { configureFlags = ["--with-mysqli=${mysql}/bin/mysql_config"]; buildInputs = [ mysql]; }; mysqli_embedded = { configureFlags = ["--enable-embedded-mysqli"]; depends = "mysqli"; assertion = fixed.mysqliSupport; }; pdo_mysql = { configureFlags = ["--with-pdo-mysql=${mysql}"]; buildInputs = [ mysql ]; }; bcmath = { configureFlags = ["--enable-bcmath"]; }; gd = { configureFlags = ["--with-gd=${args.gd}"]; buildInputs = [gd]; }; soap = { configureFlags = ["--enable-soap"]; }; sockets = { configureFlags = ["--enable-sockets"]; }; openssl = { configureFlags = ["--with-openssl=${args.openssl}"]; buildInputs = ["openssl"]; }; mbstring = { configureFlags = ["--enable-mbstring"]; }; /* Building xdebug withing php to be able to add the parameters to the ini file.. Ther should be a better way meta = { description = "debugging support for PHP"; homepage = http://xdebug.org; license = "based on the PHP license - as is"; }; */ xdebug = { buildInputs = [ automake autoconf ]; xdebug_src = args.fetchurl { name = "xdebug-2.0.2.tar.gz"; url = "http://xdebug.org/link.php?url=xdebug202"; sha256 = "1h0bxvf8krr203fmk1k7izrrr81gz537xmd3pqh4vslwdlbhrvic"; }; }; }; cfg = { mysqlSupport = getConfig ["php" "mysql"] true; mysqliSupport = getConfig ["php" "mysqli"] true; pdo_mysqlSupport = getConfig ["php" "pdo_mysql"] true; libxml2Support = getConfig ["php" "libxml2"] true; apxs2Support = getConfig ["php" "apxs2"] true; bcmathSupport = getConfig ["php" "bcmath"] true; socketsSupport = getConfig ["php" "sockets"] true; curlSupport = getConfig ["php" "curl"] true; gettextSupport = getConfig ["php" "gettext"] true; postgresqlSupport = getConfig ["php" "postgresql"] true; sqliteSupport = getConfig ["php" "sqlite"] true; soapSupport = getConfig ["php" "soap"] true; zlibSupport = getConfig ["php" "zlib"] true; opensslSupport = getConfig ["php" "openssl"] true; xdebugSupport = getConfig ["php" "xdebug"] true; mbstringSupport = getConfig ["php" "mbstring"] true; gdSupport = getConfig ["php" "gd"] true; }; # only -O1 configurePhase = '' iniFile=$out/etc/$name.ini [[ -z "$libxml2" ]] || export PATH=$PATH:$libxml2/bin ./configure --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc --with-config-file-path=$out/etc --prefix=$out $configureFlags echo configurePhase end sed -e 's/-O2/-O1/g' -i Makefile # http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47730&edit=3 ''; installPhase = '' unset installPhase; installPhase; cp php.ini-recommended $iniFile # Now Let's build xdebug if flag has been given # TODO I think there are better paths than the given below if [ -n $flag_set_xdebug ]; then PATH=$PATH:$out/bin tar xfz $xdebug_src; cd xdebug* phpize ./configure --prefix=$out make ensureDir $out/lib; cp modules/xdebug.so $out/lib cat >> $out/etc/php.ini << EOF zend_extension="$out/lib/xdebug.so" zend_extension_ts="$out/lib/xdebug.so" zend_extension_debug="$out/lib/xdebug.so" xdebug.remote_enable=true xdebug.remote_host= xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp xdebug.profiler_enable=0 xdebug.profiler_output_dir="/tmp/xdebug" xdebug.remote_mode=req max_execution_time = 300 date.timezone = UTC EOF fi ''; src = args.fetchurl { url = "http://nl.php.net/get/php-${version}.tar.bz2/from/this/mirror"; md5 = "280d6cda7f72a4fc6de42fda21ac2db7"; name = "php-${version}.tar.bz2"; }; meta = { description = "The PHP language runtime engine"; homepage = http://www.php.net/; license = "PHP-3"; }; patches = [./fix.patch]; })