#! /bin/sh -e distDir=/data/webserver/dist/tarballs find "$1" -name "*.nix" | while read fn; do grep -E '^ *url = ' "$fn" | while read line; do if url=$(echo "$line" | sed 's^url = \(.*\);^\1^'); then if ! echo "$url" | grep -q -E "www.cs.uu.nl|nixos.org|.stratego-language.org|java.sun.com|ut2004|linuxq3a|RealPlayer|Adbe|belastingdienst|microsoft|armijn/.nix|sun.com|archive.eclipse.org"; then base="$(basename "$url")" newPath="$distDir/$base" if test -e "$newPath"; then #echo "$fn: checking hash of existing $newPath" hash=$(fgrep -A 1 "$url" "$fn" | grep md5 | sed 's^.*md5 = \"\(.*\)\";.*^\1^') hashType=md5 if test -z "$hash"; then hash=$(fgrep -A 1 "$url" "$fn" | grep sha256 | sed 's^.*sha256 = \"\(.*\)\";.*^\1^') hashType="sha256 --base32" if test -n "$hash"; then if test "${#hash}" = 64; then hash=$(nix-hash --to-base32 --type sha256 $hash) fi else hash=$(fgrep -A 1 "$url" "$fn" | grep sha1 | sed 's^.*sha1 = \"\(.*\)\";.*^\1^') hashType="sha1" if test -z "$hash"; then echo "WARNING: $fn: cannot figure out the hash for $url" continue fi fi fi #echo "HASH = $hash" if ! test "$(nix-hash --type $hashType --flat "$newPath")" = "$hash"; then echo "WARNING: $fn: $newPath exists and differs, hash should be $hash!" continue fi else if echo $url | grep -q 'mirror://'; then #echo "$fn: skipping mirrored $url" continue fi echo "$fn: $url -> $newPath" if test -n "$doCopy"; then if ! curl --disable-epsv --fail --location --max-redirs 20 --remote-time \ "$url" --output "$newPath".tmp; then continue fi mv -f "$newPath".tmp "$newPath" fi fi if test -n "$doCopy" -a -e "$newPath"; then md5=$(nix-hash --flat --type md5 "$newPath") ln -sfn "../$base" $distDir/md5/$md5 sha1=$(nix-hash --flat --type sha1 "$newPath") ln -sfn "../$base" $distDir/sha1/$sha1 sha256=$(nix-hash --flat --type sha256 "$newPath") ln -sfn "../$base" $distDir/sha256/$sha256 ln -sfn "../$base" $distDir/sha256/$(nix-hash --type sha256 --to-base32 "$sha256") fi fi fi done done echo DONE