args : with args; let s = import ./src-for-default.nix; version = lib.attrByPath ["version"] s.version args; in rec { src = fetchurl { url = s.url; sha256 = s.hash; }; buildInputs = [gtk glib atk cairo curl fontconfig freetype gettext libjpeg libpng libtiff libxml2 libxslt pango sqlite icu gperf bison flex autoconf automake libtool perl intltool pkgconfig libsoup gtkdoc libXt libproxy enchant python ruby which renderproto libXrender geoclue kbproto ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ gstreamer gst_plugins_base gst_ffmpeg gst_plugins_good ]; configureFlags = [ "--enable-3D-transforms" "--enable-web-sockets" "--enable-web-timing" "--enable-geolocation" # Not implemented? #"--enable-web-audio" "--enable-mathml" #"--enable-wml" # #"--enable-indexed-database" # Doesn't work in release... #"--enable-xhtmlmp" # "--enable-input-speech" "--enable-file-writer" "--enable-blob" # #"--enable-directory-upload" # #"--enable-file-system" ]; /* doConfigure should be specified separately */ phaseNames = ["setVars" /* "paranoidFixComments" */ "doConfigure" (doPatchShebangs ".") "doReplaceUsrBin" "doMakeInstall" "doAddPrograms"]; setVars = fullDepEntry ('' export NIX_LDFLAGS="$NIX_LDFLAGS -lXt" '') ["minInit"]; doReplaceUsrBin = fullDepEntry ('' for i in $(find . -name '*.pl') $(find . -name '*.pm'); do sed -e 's@/usr/bin/gcc@gcc@' -i $i done '') ["minInit" "doUnpack"]; doAddPrograms = fullDepEntry ('' mkdir -p $out/bin for i in Programs/.libs/* Programs/*; do cp $i $out/bin/webkit-program-$(basename $i) || true done '') ["minInit" "doMake" "defEnsureDir"]; paranoidFixComments = fullDepEntry ('' sed -re 's@( |^)//.*@/* & */@' -i $(find . -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h') '') ["minInit" "doUnpack"]; name =; meta = { description = "WebKit - a fast and correct HTML renderer"; maintainers = [stdenv.lib.maintainers.raskin]; }; passthru = { inherit gstreamer gst_plugins_base gst_plugins_good gst_ffmpeg; }; }