. $stdenv/setup skip=7976 bunzip2 < $src | (dd bs=1 count=$skip of=/dev/null && dd bs=1M) | tar xvf - ut2004demo.tar mkdir $out (cd $out && tar xvf -) < ut2004demo.tar # Patch the executable from ELF OS/ABI type `Linux' (3) to `SVR4' (0). # This doesn't seem to matter to ld-linux.so.2 at all, except that it # refuses to load `Linux' executables when invokes explicitly, that # is, when we do `ld-linux.so.2 $out/System/ut2004-bin', which we need # to override the hardcoded ELF interpreter with our own. # This is a horrible hack, of course. A better solution would be to # patch Glibc so it accepts the `Linux' ELF type as well (why doesn't # it?); or to use FreeBSD's `brandelf' program to set to ELF type # (which is a bit cleaner than patching using `dd' :-) ). (cd $out/System && (echo -en "\000" | dd bs=1 seek=7 of=ut2004-bin conv=notrunc))