args: with args; let inherit (builtins) getAttr; edf = composableDerivation.edf; optionIncLib = name : attr : " -D${name}_INCLUDE_DIR=${getAttr attr args}/incclude" + " -D${name}_LIBRARY=${getAttr attr args}/lib "; # lib 64? in composableDerivation.composableDerivation {} { buildInputs = [ gdal cmake qt flex bison proj geos x11 sqlite gsl pyqt4]; cfgOption = [ # without this option it can't find sqlite libs yet (missing symbols..) (TODO) "-DWITH_INTERNAL_SQLITE3=TRUE" ]; name = "qgis-1.4.0"; # src = args.fetchsvn { url=; # md5="ac0560e0a2d4e6258c8639f1e9b56df3"; rev="7704"; }; src = fetchurl { url =; sha256 = "1nn71j9pnkqcprwvzqnybh6ybl0zp50jj04lm769bnjbxknpxq5v"; }; meta = { description = "user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System"; homepage = ttp://; # you can choose one of the following licenses: license = [ "GPL" ]; }; phases = "unpackPhase buildPhase installPhase"; buildPhase = ''pwd; mkdir build; cd build; VERBOSE=1 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$out ''${cfgOption} ..''; postUnpack = '' export CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH= for i in $buildInputs $propagatedBuildInputs; do CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH=$i/lib:$CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH done ''; #configurePhase="./ --prefix=\$out --with-gdal=\$gdal/bin/gdal-config --with-qtdir=\$qt"; # buildPhases="unpackPhase buildPhase"; }