{ config, pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; let cfg = config.services.fail2ban; fail2banConf = pkgs.writeText "fail2ban.conf" cfg.daemonConfig; jailConf = pkgs.writeText "jail.conf" (concatStringsSep "\n" (attrValues (flip mapAttrs cfg.jails (name: def: optionalString (def != "") '' [${name}] ${def} '')))); in { ###### interface options = { services.fail2ban = { daemonConfig = mkOption { default = '' [Definition] loglevel = 3 logtarget = SYSLOG socket = /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock ''; type = types.string; description = '' The contents of Fail2ban's main configuration file. It's generally not necessary to change it. ''; }; jails = mkOption { default = { }; example = { "apache-nohome-iptables" = '' # Block an IP address if it accesses a non-existent # home directory more than 5 times in 10 minutes, # since that indicates that it's scanning. filter = apache-nohome action = iptables-multiport[name=HTTP, port="http,https"] logpath = /var/log/httpd/error_log* findtime = 600 bantime = 600 maxretry = 5 ''; }; type = types.attrsOf types.string; description = '' The configuration of each Fail2ban “jail”. A jail consists of an action (such as blocking a port using iptables) that is triggered when a filter applied to a log file triggers more than a certain number of times in a certain time period. Actions are defined in /etc/fail2ban/action.d, while filters are defined in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d. ''; }; }; }; ###### implementation config = { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.fail2ban ]; environment.etc = [ { source = fail2banConf; target = "fail2ban/fail2ban.conf"; } { source = jailConf; target = "fail2ban/jail.conf"; } { source = "${pkgs.fail2ban}/etc/fail2ban/action.d/*.conf"; target = "fail2ban/action.d"; } { source = "${pkgs.fail2ban}/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/*.conf"; target = "fail2ban/filter.d"; } ]; jobs.fail2ban = { description = "Fail2ban intrusion prevention system"; startOn = "started networking"; path = [ pkgs.fail2ban pkgs.iptables ]; preStart = '' # FIXME: this won't detect changes to # /etc/fail2ban/{filter.d,action.d}. # ${fail2banConf} ${jailConf} mkdir -p /var/run/fail2ban -m 0755 ''; exec = "fail2ban-server -f"; postStart = '' fail2ban-client reload ''; }; # Add some reasonable default jails. The special "DEFAULT" jail # sets default values for all other jails. services.fail2ban.jails.DEFAULT = '' ignoreip = bantime = 600 findtime = 600 maxretry = 3 backend = auto ''; # Block SSH if there are too many failing connection attempts. services.fail2ban.jails."ssh-iptables" = '' filter = sshd action = iptables[name=SSH, port=ssh, protocol=tcp] logpath = /var/log/warn maxretry = 5 ''; }; }