{ config, pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; let cfg = config.services.logstash; listToConfig = list: "[ " + (concatStringsSep ", " (map exprToConfig list)) + " ]"; hashToConfig = attrs: let attrNameToConfigList = name: [ (exprToConfig name) (exprToConfig (getAttr name attrs)) ]; in "[ " + (concatStringsSep ", " (map attrNameToConfigList (attrNames attrs))) + " ]"; valueToConfig = nvpair: let name = nvpair.name; value = nvpair.value; in if (isAttrs value) && ((!(value ? __type)) || value.__type == "repeated") then '' ${name} { ${exprToConfig value} } '' else "${name} => ${exprToConfig value}"; repeatedAttrsToConfig = values: concatStringsSep "\n" (map valueToConfig values); attrsToConfig = attrs: let attrToConfig = name: valueToConfig { inherit name; value = (getAttr name attrs); }; in concatStringsSep "\n" (map attrToConfig (attrNames attrs)); exprToConfig = expr: let isCustomType = expr: (isAttrs expr) && (expr ? __type); isFloat = expr: (isCustomType expr) && (expr.__type == "float"); isHash = expr: (isCustomType expr) && (expr.__type == "hash"); isRepeatedAttrs = expr: (isCustomType expr) && (expr.__type == "repeated"); in if builtins.isBool expr then (if expr then "true" else "false") else if builtins.isString expr then ''"${expr}"'' else if builtins.isInt expr then toString expr else if isFloat expr then expr.value else if isList expr then listToConfig expr else if isHash expr then hashToConfig expr.value else if isRepeatedAttrs expr then repeatedAttrsToConfig expr.values else attrsToConfig expr; mergeConfigs = configs: let op = attrs: newAttrs: let isRepeated = newAttrs ? __type && newAttrs.__type == "repeated"; in { values = attrs.values ++ (if isRepeated then newAttrs.values else map (name: { inherit name; value = getAttr name newAttrs; }) (attrNames newAttrs)); }; in (foldl op { values = []; } configs) // { __type = "repeated"; }; in { ###### interface options = { services.logstash = { enable = mkOption { default = false; description = '' Enable logstash. ''; }; inputConfig = mkOption { default = {}; description = '' An attr set representing a logstash configuration's input section. logstash configs are name-value pairs, where values can be bools, strings, numbers, arrays, hashes, or other name-value pairs, and names are strings that can be repeated. name-value pairs with no repeats are represented by attr sets. name-value pairs with repeats are represented by an attrset with attr "__type" = "repeated" and attr "values" as a list of {name; value;} attrsets. bools, strings, ints, and arrays are mapped directly. Floats are represented as an attrset with attr "__type" = "float" and attr value set to the string representation of the float. Hashes are represented with attr "__type" = "hash" and attr value set to an attr set corresponding to the hash. ''; merge = mergeConfigs; }; filterConfig = mkOption { default = {}; description = '' An attr set representing a logstash configuration's filter section. See inputConfig description for details. ''; merge = mergeConfigs; }; outputConfig = mkOption { default = {}; description = '' An attr set representing a logstash configuration's output section. See inputConfig description for details. ''; merge = mergeConfigs; }; }; }; ###### implementation config = mkIf cfg.enable { # Always log to stdout services.logstash.outputConfig = { stdout = {}; }; jobs.logstash = with pkgs; { description = "Logstash daemon"; path = [ jre ]; exec = "java -jar ${logstash} agent -f ${writeText "logstash.conf" '' input { ${exprToConfig cfg.inputConfig} } filter { ${exprToConfig cfg.filterConfig} } output { ${exprToConfig cfg.outputConfig} } ''}"; }; }; }