args: with args; with lib; let inherit (builtins) head tail isList; in rec { /* let shelllib = rec { a= { text = "aaaa"; deps = [b c]; }; b = { text = "b"; }; c = { text = "c"; deps = []; }; }; in [textClosure [shelllib.a] textclosure shelllib.a]; */ textClosureDupList = arg: ( if isList arg then textClosureDupList {text = ""; deps = arg;} else (concatLists (map textClosureDupList arg.deps)) ++ [arg] ); textClosureList = arg: (map (x : x.text) (uniqList {inputList = textClosureDupList arg;})); textClosure = arg: concatStringsSep "\n" (textClosureList arg); noDepEntry = text : {inherit text;deps = [];}; FullDepEntry = text : deps: {inherit text deps;}; PackEntry = deps: {inherit deps; text="";}; }