args: with args; with stringsWithDeps; with lib; (rec { inherit writeScript; forceShare = if args ? forceShare then args.forceShare else ["man" "doc" "info"]; archiveType = s: (if hasSuffixHack ".tar" s then "tar" else if (hasSuffixHack ".tar.gz" s) || (hasSuffixHack ".tgz" s) then "tgz" else if (hasSuffixHack ".tar.bz2" s) || (hasSuffixHack ".tbz2" s) then "tbz2" else if (hasSuffixHack ".zip" s) || (hasSuffixHack ".ZIP" s) then "zip" else if (hasSuffixHack "-cvs-export" s) then "cvs-dir" else (abort "unknown archive type : ${s}")); defAddToSearchPath = FullDepEntry (" addToSearchPathWithCustomDelimiter() { local delimiter=\$1 local varName=\$2 local needDir=\$3 local addDir=\${4:-\$needDir} local prefix=\$5 if [ -d \$prefix\$needDir ]; then if [ -z \${!varName} ]; then eval export \${varName}=\${prefix}\$addDir else eval export \${varName}=\${!varName}\${delimiter}\${prefix}\$addDir fi fi } addToSearchPath() { addToSearchPathWithCustomDelimiter \"\${PATH_DELIMITER}\" \"\$@\" } ") [defNest]; defNest = noDepEntry (" nestingLevel=0 startNest() { nestingLevel=\$((\$nestingLevel + 1)) echo -en \"\\e[\$1p\" } stopNest() { nestingLevel=\$((\$nestingLevel - 1)) echo -en \"\\e[q\" } header() { startNest \"\$2\" echo \"\$1\" } # Make sure that even when we exit abnormally, the original nesting # level is properly restored. closeNest() { while test \$nestingLevel -gt 0; do stopNest done } trap \"closeNest\" EXIT "); minInit = FullDepEntry (" set -e NIX_GCC=${stdenv.gcc} export SHELL=${} # Set up the initial path. PATH= for i in \$NIX_GCC ${toString stdenv.initialPath}; do PATH=\$PATH\${PATH:+:}\$i/bin done " + (if ((stdenv ? preHook) && (stdenv.preHook != null) && ((toString stdenv.preHook) != "")) then " param1=${stdenv.param1} param2=${stdenv.param2} param3=${stdenv.param3} param4=${stdenv.param4} param5=${stdenv.param5} source ${stdenv.preHook} export TZ=UTC prefix=${if args ? prefix then (toString args.prefix) else "\$out"} " else "")) [defNest defAddToSearchPath]; addInputs = FullDepEntry (" # Recursively find all build inputs. findInputs() { local pkg=\$1 case \$pkgs in *\\ \$pkg\\ *) return 0 ;; esac pkgs=\"\$pkgs \$pkg \" echo \$pkg if test -f \$pkg/nix-support/setup-hook; then source \$pkg/nix-support/setup-hook fi } pkgs=\"\" for i in \$NIX_GCC ${toString buildInputs}; do findInputs \$i done # Set the relevant environment variables to point to the build inputs # found above. addToEnv() { local pkg=\$1 "+ (if !((args ? ignoreFailedInputs) && (args.ignoreFailedInputs == 1)) then " if [ -e \$1/nix-support/failed ]; then echo \"failed input \$1\" >&2 fail fi " else "") +" if test -d \$1/bin; then export _PATH=\$_PATH\${_PATH:+:}\$1/bin fi for i in \"\${envHooks[@]}\"; do \$i \$pkg done } for i in \$pkgs; do addToEnv \$i done # Add the output as an rpath. if test \"\$NIX_NO_SELF_RPATH\" != \"1\"; then export NIX_LDFLAGS=\"-rpath \$out/lib \$NIX_LDFLAGS\" fi PATH=\$_PATH\${_PATH:+:}\$PATH ") [minInit]; defEnsureDir = FullDepEntry (" # Ensure that the given directories exists. ensureDir() { local dir for dir in \"\$@\"; do if ! test -x \"\$dir\"; then mkdir -p \"\$dir\"; fi done } ") [minInit]; toSrcDir = s : FullDepEntry ((if (archiveType s) == "tar" then " tar xvf '${s}' cd \"\$(tar tf '${s}' | head -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\" " else if (archiveType s) == "tgz" then " tar xvzf '${s}' cd \"\$(tar tzf '${s}' | head -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\" " else if (archiveType s) == "tbz2" then " tar xvjf '${s}' cd \"\$(tar tjf '${s}' | head -1 | sed -e 's@/.*@@' )\" " else if (archiveType s) == "zip" then " unzip '${s}' cd \"$( unzip -lqq '${s}' | tail -1 | sed -e 's@^\\(\\s\\+[-0-9:]\\+\\)\\{3,3\\}\\s\\+\\([^/]\\+\\)/.*@\\2@' )\" " else if (archiveType s) == "cvs-dir" then " cp -r '${s}' . cd \$(basename ${s}) chmod u+rwX -R . " else (abort "unknown archive type : ${s}"))+ (if args ? goSrcDir then args.goSrcDir else "") ) [minInit]; doConfigure = FullDepEntry (" ./configure --prefix=\"\$prefix\" ${toString configureFlags} ") [minInit addInputs doUnpack]; doAutotools = FullDepEntry (" mkdir -p config libtoolize --copy --force aclocal --force #Some packages do not need this autoheader || true; automake --add-missing --copy autoconf ")[minInit addInputs doUnpack]; doMake = FullDepEntry (" make ${toString makeFlags} ") [minInit addInputs doUnpack]; doUnpack = toSrcDir (toString src); installPythonPackage = FullDepEntry (" python install --prefix=\"\$prefix\" ") [minInit addInputs doUnpack]; doMakeInstall = FullDepEntry (" make ${toString (getAttr ["makeFlags"] "" args)} "+ "${toString (getAttr ["installFlags"] "" args)} install") [doMake]; doForceShare = FullDepEntry (" ensureDir \"\$prefix/share\" for d in ${toString forceShare}; do if [ -d \"\$prefix/\$d\" -a ! -d \"\$prefix/share/\$d\" ]; then mv -v \"\$prefix/\$d\" \"\$prefix/share\" ln -sv share/\$d \"\$prefix\" fi; done; ") [minInit defEnsureDir]; doDump = n: noDepEntry "echo Dump number ${n}; set"; patchFlags = if args ? patchFlags then args.patchFlags else "-p1"; patches = getAttr ["patches"] [] args; toPatchCommand = s: "cat ${toString s} | patch ${toString patchFlags}"; doPatch = FullDepEntry (concatStringsSep ";" (map toPatchCommand patches) ) [minInit doUnpack]; envAdderInner = s: x: if x==null then s else y: a: envAdderInner (s+"echo export ${x}='\"'\"\$${x}:${y}\";'\"'\n") a; envAdder = envAdderInner ""; envAdderList = l: if l==[] then "" else "echo export ${__head l}='\"'\"\\\$${__head l}:${__head (__tail l)}\"'\"';\n" + envAdderList (__tail (__tail l)); wrapEnv = cmd: env: " mv \"${cmd}\" \"${cmd}-orig\"; touch \"${cmd}\"; chmod a+rx \"${cmd}\"; (${envAdderList env} echo '\"'\"${cmd}-orig\"'\"' '\"'\\\$@'\"' \n) > \"${cmd}\""; doWrap = cmd: FullDepEntry (wrapEnv cmd (getAttr ["wrappedEnv"] [] args)) [minInit]; doPropagate = FullDepEntry (" ensureDir \$out/nix-support echo '${toString (getAttr ["propagatedBuildInputs"] [] args)}' >\$out/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs ") [minInit defEnsureDir]; /*debug = x:(__trace x x); debugX = x:(__trace (__toXML x) x);*/ replaceScriptVar = file: name: value: ("sed -e 's`^${name}=.*`${name}='\\''${value}'\\''`' -i ${file}"); replaceInScript = file: l: (concatStringsSep "\n" ((pairMap (replaceScriptVar file) l))); replaceScripts = l:(concatStringsSep "\n" (pairMap replaceInScript l)); doReplaceScripts = FullDepEntry (replaceScripts (getAttr ["shellReplacements"] [] args)) [minInit]; makeNest = x:(if x==defNest.text then x else "startNest\n" + x + "\nstopNest\n"); textClosure = textClosureMap makeNest; inherit noDepEntry FullDepEntry PackEntry; defList = (getAttr ["defList"] [] args); getVal = getValue args defList; check = checkFlag args; reqsList = getAttr ["reqsList"] [] args; buildInputsNames = filter (x: (null != getVal x)) (uniqList {inputList = (concatLists (map (x:(if (x==[]) then [] else builtins.tail x)) reqsList));}); configFlags = getAttr ["configFlags"] [] args; buildFlags = getAttr ["buildFlags"] [] args; nameSuffixes = getAttr ["nameSuffixes"] [] args; autoBuildInputs = assert (checkReqs args defList reqsList); filter (x: x!=null) (map getVal buildInputsNames); autoConfigureFlags = condConcat "" configFlags check; autoMakeFlags = condConcat "" buildFlags check; useConfig = getAttr ["useConfig"] false args; buildInputs = lib.closePropagation ((if useConfig then autoBuildInputs else getAttr ["buildInputs"] [] args)++ (getAttr ["propagatedBuildInputs"] [] args)); configureFlags = if useConfig then autoConfigureFlags else getAttr ["configureFlags"] "" args; makeFlags = if useConfig then autoMakeFlags else getAttr ["makeFlags"] "" args; inherit lib; }) // args