args: with args.lib; with args; let co = chooseOptionsByFlags { inherit args; flagDescr = { # does without X make sense? We can try mandatory ={ cfgOption = [ "--prefix=\$out" ]; implies = "pthreads"; }; pathcanonicalization = { cfgOption = "--enable-path-canonicalization"; }; # enable canonicalization of filenames timer = { cfgOption = "--enable-timer"; };# enable evaluation timing (for benchmarking Hugs) profiling = { cfgOption = "--enable-profiling"; };# enable heap profiler stack = { cfgOption = "--enable-stack-dumps"; };#-dumps enable stack dump on stack overflow large = { cfgOption = "--disable-large-banner"; };#-banner disable multiline startup banner internal = { cfgOption = "--enable-internal-prims"; };#-prims experimental primitives to access Hugs's innards debug = { cfgOption = "--enable-debug"; };# include C debugging information (for debugging Hugs) tag = { cfgOption = "--enable-tag-checks"; };#-checks runtime tag checking (for debugging Hugs) lint = { cfgOption = "--enable-lint"; };# enable "lint" flags (for debugging Hugs) only98 = { cfgOption = "--enable-only98"; };# build Hugs to understand Haskell 98 only ffi = { cfgOption = "--enable-ffi"; };# include modules that use the FFI [default=autodetect] char = { cfgOption = "--enable-char-encoding"; blocks = "utf8"; }; #-encoding encode all character I/O using the byte encoding #determined by the locale in effect at that time. To #require that the UTF-8 encoding is always used, give #the --enable-char-encoding=utf8 option. #[default=autodetect] utf8 = { cfgOption = "--enable-char-encoding=utf8"; blocks="char"; }; #--with-nmake produce a Makefile compatible with nmake #--with-gui build Hugs for Windows GUI (Borland C++ only) pthreads = { cfgOption = "--with-pthreads"; }; # build Hugs using POSIX threads C library # I think we need this as long as not using nptl ? }; optionals = []; defaultFlags = ["ffi"]; }; in args.stdenv.mkDerivation { # passing the flags in case a library using this want's to check them (*) .. inherit (co) /* flags */ buildInputs; configurePhase="./configure --prefix=\$out"; src = fetchurl { url =; sha256 = "3cf4d27673564cffe691bd14032369f646233f14daf2bc37c6c6df9f062b46b6"; }; name="hugs98"; meta = { license = "as-is"; # gentoo is calling it this way.. description = "The HUGS98 Haskell