# This module contains the basic configuration for building a NixOS # installation CD. { config, pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; let pkgs2storeContents = l : map (x: { object = x; symlink = "none"; }) l; in { require = [ ./system-tarball.nix # Profiles of this basic installation. ../../profiles/base.nix ../../profiles/installation-device.nix ]; # To speed up further installation of packages, include the complete stdenv # in the Nix store of the tarball. tarball.storeContents = pkgs2storeContents [ pkgs.stdenv pkgs.klibc pkgs.klibcShrunk ]; tarball.contents = [ { source = config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel + "/" + config.system.boot.loader.kernelFile; target = "/boot/" + config.system.boot.loader.kernelFile; } ]; # Allow sshd to be started manually through "start sshd". It should # not be started by default on the installation CD because the # default root password is empty. services.openssh.enable = true; jobs.openssh.startOn = pkgs.lib.mkOverrideTemplate 50 {} ""; }