Remove composableDerivation, closes #18763

Frederik Rietdijk 2018-07-26 12:05:40 +02:00 committed by Domen Kožar
parent 30ff3e0f39
commit c6e043d57c
6 changed files with 9 additions and 277 deletions

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@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
{lib, pkgs}:
let inherit (lib) nvs; in
# composableDerivation basically mixes these features:
# - fix function
# - mergeAttrBy
# - provides shortcuts for "options" such as "--enable-foo" and adding
# buildInputs, see php example
# It predates styles which are common today, such as
# * the config attr
# * mkDerivation.override feature
# * overrideDerivation (lib/customization.nix)
# Some of the most more important usage examples (which could be rewritten if it was important):
# * php
# * postgis
# * vim_configurable
# A minimal example illustrating most features would look like this:
# let base = composableDerivation { (fixed: let inherit (fixed.fixed) name in {
# src = fetchurl {
# }
# buildInputs = [A];
# preConfigre = "echo ${name}";
# # attention, "name" attr is missing, thus you cannot instantiate "base".
# }
# in {
# # These all add name attribute, thus you can instantiate those:
# v1 = base.merge ({ name = "foo-add-B"; buildInputs = [B]; }); // B gets merged into buildInputs
# v2 = base.merge ({ name = "mix-in-pre-configure-lines" preConfigre = ""; });
# v3 = base.replace ({ name = "foo-no-A-only-B;" buildInputs = [B]; });
# }
# So yes, you can think about it being something like nixos modules, and
# you'd be merging "features" in one at a time using .merge or .replace
# Thanks Shea for telling me that I rethink the documentation ..
# issues:
# * its complicated to understand
# * some "features" such as exact merge behaviour are buried in mergeAttrBy
# and defaultOverridableDelayableArgs assuming the default behaviour does
# the right thing in the common case
# * Eelco once said using such fix style functions are slow to evaluate
# * Too quick & dirty. Hard to understand for others. The benefit was that
# you were able to create a kernel builder like base derivation and replace
# / add patches the way you want without having to declare function arguments
# nice features:
# declaring "optional features" is modular. For instance:
# flags.curl = {
# configureFlags = ["--with-curl=${}" "--with-curlwrappers"];
# buildInputs = [curl openssl];
# };
# flags.other = { .. }
# (Example taken from PHP)
# alternative styles / related features:
# * Eg see function supporting building the kernel
# * versionedDerivation (discussion about this is still going on - or ended)
# * composedArgsAndFun
# * mkDerivation.override
# * overrideDerivation
# * using { .., *Support ? false }: like configurable options.
# To find those examples use grep
# To sum up: It exists for historical reasons - and for most commonly used
# tasks the alternatives should be used
# If you have questions about this code ping Marc Weber.
composableDerivation = {
mkDerivation ? pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation,
# list of functions to be applied before defaultOverridableDelayableArgs removes removeAttrs names
# prepareDerivationArgs handles derivation configurations
applyPreTidy ? [ lib.prepareDerivationArgs ],
# consider adding addtional elements by derivation.merge { removeAttrs = ["elem"]; };
removeAttrs ? ["cfg" "flags"]
}: (lib.defaultOverridableDelayableArgs ( a: mkDerivation a)
inherit applyPreTidy removeAttrs;
# some utility functions
# use this function to generate flag attrs for prepareDerivationArgs
# E nable D isable F eature
edf = {name, feat ? name, enable ? {}, disable ? {} , value ? ""}:
nvs name {
set = {
configureFlags = ["--enable-${feat}${if value == "" then "" else "="}${value}"];
} // enable;
unset = {
configureFlags = ["--disable-${feat}"];
} // disable;
# same for --with and --without-
# W ith or W ithout F eature
wwf = {name, feat ? name, enable ? {}, disable ? {}, value ? ""}:
nvs name {
set = enable // {
configureFlags = ["--with-${feat}${if value == "" then "" else "="}${value}"]
++ lib.maybeAttr "configureFlags" [] enable;
unset = disable // {
configureFlags = ["--without-${feat}"]
++ lib.maybeAttr "configureFlags" [] disable;

View File

@ -125,14 +125,13 @@ let
traceShowValMarked showVal traceCall traceCall2 traceCall3
traceValIfNot runTests testAllTrue traceCallXml attrNamesToStr;
inherit (misc) maybeEnv defaultMergeArg defaultMerge foldArgs
defaultOverridableDelayableArgs composedArgsAndFun
maybeAttrNullable maybeAttr ifEnable checkFlag getValue
checkReqs uniqList uniqListExt condConcat lazyGenericClosure
innerModifySumArgs modifySumArgs innerClosePropagation
closePropagation mapAttrsFlatten nvs setAttr setAttrMerge
mergeAttrsWithFunc mergeAttrsConcatenateValues
mergeAttrsNoOverride mergeAttrByFunc mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults
mergeAttrsByFuncDefaultsClean mergeAttrBy prepareDerivationArgs
nixType imap overridableDelayableArgs;
mergeAttrsByFuncDefaultsClean mergeAttrBy
nixType imap;
in lib

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@ -35,74 +35,6 @@ rec {
# predecessors: proposed replacement for applyAndFun (which has a bug cause it merges twice)
# the naming "overridableDelayableArgs" tries to express that you can
# - override attr values which have been supplied earlier
# - use attr values before they have been supplied by accessing the fix point
# name "fixed"
# f: the (delayed overridden) arguments are applied to this
# initial: initial attrs arguments and settings. see defaultOverridableDelayableArgs
# returns: f applied to the arguments // special attributes attrs
# a) merge: merge applied args with new args. Wether an argument is overridden depends on the merge settings
# b) replace: this let's you replace and remove names no matter which merge function has been set
# examples: see test cases "res" below;
overridableDelayableArgs =
f: # the function applied to the arguments
initial: # you pass attrs, the functions below are passing a function taking the fix argument
takeFixed = if lib.isFunction initial then initial else (fixed : initial); # transform initial to an expression always taking the fixed argument
tidy = args:
let # apply all functions given in "applyPreTidy" in sequence
applyPreTidyFun = fold ( n: a: x: n ( a x ) ) (maybeAttr "applyPreTidy" [] args);
in removeAttrs (applyPreTidyFun args) ( ["applyPreTidy"] ++ (maybeAttr "removeAttrs" [] args) ); # tidy up args before applying them
fun = n: x:
let newArgs = fixed:
let args = takeFixed fixed;
mergeFun = args.${n};
in if isAttrs x then (mergeFun args x)
else assert lib.isFunction x;
mergeFun args (x ( args // { inherit fixed; }));
in overridableDelayableArgs f newArgs;
(f (tidy (lib.fix takeFixed))) // {
merge = fun "mergeFun";
replace = fun "keepFun";
defaultOverridableDelayableArgs = f:
let defaults = {
mergeFun = mergeAttrByFunc; # default merge function. merge strategie (concatenate lists, strings) is given by mergeAttrBy
keepFun = a: b: { inherit (a) removeAttrs mergeFun keepFun mergeAttrBy; } // b; # even when using replace preserve these values
applyPreTidy = []; # list of functions applied to args before args are tidied up (usage case : prepareDerivationArgs)
mergeAttrBy = mergeAttrBy // {
applyPreTidy = a: b: a ++ b;
removeAttrs = a: b: a ++ b;
removeAttrs = ["mergeFun" "keepFun" "mergeAttrBy" "removeAttrs" "fixed" ]; # before applying the arguments to the function make sure these names are gone
in (overridableDelayableArgs f defaults).merge;
# rec { # an example of how composedArgsAndFun can be used
# a = composedArgsAndFun (x: x) { a = ["2"]; meta = { d = "bar";}; };
# # meta.d will be lost ! It's your task to preserve it (eg using a merge function)
# b = a.passthru.function { a = [ "3" ]; meta = { d2 = "bar2";}; };
# # instead of passing/ overriding values you can use a merge function:
# c = b.passthru.function ( x: { a = x.a ++ ["4"]; }); # consider using (maybeAttr "a" [] x)
# }
# result:
# {
# a = { a = ["2"]; meta = { d = "bar"; }; passthru = { function = .. }; };
# b = { a = ["3"]; meta = { d2 = "bar2"; }; passthru = { function = .. }; };
# c = { a = ["3" "4"]; meta = { d2 = "bar2"; }; passthru = { function = .. }; };
# # c2 is equal to c
# }
composedArgsAndFun = f: foldArgs defaultMerge f {};
# shortcut for attrByPath ["name"] default attrs
maybeAttrNullable = maybeAttr;
@ -285,7 +217,7 @@ rec {
# };
# will result in
# { mergeAttrsBy = [...]; buildInputs = [ a b c d ]; }
# is used by prepareDerivationArgs, defaultOverridableDelayableArgs and can be used when composing using
# is used by defaultOverridableDelayableArgs and can be used when composing using
# foldArgs, composedArgsAndFun or applyAndFun. Example: composableDerivation in all-packages.nix
mergeAttrByFunc = x: y:
@ -318,58 +250,6 @@ rec {
// listToAttrs (map (n: nameValuePair n (a: b: "${a}\n${b}") ) [ "preConfigure" "postInstall" ])
# prepareDerivationArgs tries to make writing configurable derivations easier
# example:
# prepareDerivationArgs {
# mergeAttrBy = {
# myScript = x: y: x ++ "\n" ++ y;
# };
# cfg = {
# readlineSupport = true;
# };
# flags = {
# readline = {
# set = {
# configureFlags = [ "--with-compiler=${compiler}" ];
# buildInputs = [ compiler ];
# pass = { inherit compiler; READLINE=1; };
# assertion = compiler.dllSupport;
# myScript = "foo";
# };
# unset = { configureFlags = ["--without-compiler"]; };
# };
# };
# src = ...
# buildPhase = '' ... '';
# name = ...
# myScript = "bar";
# };
# if you don't have need for unset you can omit the surrounding set = { .. } attr
# all attrs except flags cfg and mergeAttrBy will be merged with the
# additional data from flags depending on config settings
# It's used in composableDerivation in all-packages.nix. It's also used
# heavily in the new python and libs implementation
# should we check for misspelled cfg options?
# TODO use args.mergeFun here as well?
prepareDerivationArgs = args:
let args2 = { cfg = {}; flags = {}; } // args;
flagName = name: "${name}Support";
cfgWithDefaults = (listToAttrs (map (n: nameValuePair (flagName n) false) (attrNames args2.flags)))
// args2.cfg;
opts = attrValues (mapAttrs (a: v:
let v2 = if v ? set || v ? unset then v else { set = v; };
n = if cfgWithDefaults.${flagName a} then "set" else "unset";
attr = maybeAttr n {} v2; in
if (maybeAttr "assertion" true attr)
then attr
else throw "assertion of flag ${a} of derivation ${} failed"
) args2.flags );
in removeAttrs
(mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults ([args] ++ opts ++ [{ passthru = cfgWithDefaults; }]))
["flags" "cfg" "mergeAttrBy" ];
nixType = x:
if isAttrs x then
if x ? outPath then "derivation"

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@ -401,42 +401,4 @@ runTests {
expected = "«foo»";
testOverridableDelayableArgsTest = {
expr =
let res1 = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id {};
res2 = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; };
res3 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; };
in (x.merge) { b = 10; };
res4 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; };
in (x.merge) ( x: { b = 10; });
res5 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; };
in (x.merge) ( x: { a = builtins.add x.a 3; });
res6 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; mergeAttrBy = { a = builtins.add; }; };
y = x.merge {};
in (y.merge) { a = 10; };
resRem7 = res6.replace (a: removeAttrs a ["a"]);
# fixed tests (delayed args): (when using them add some comments, please)
resFixed1 =
let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id ( x: { a = 7; c = x.fixed.b; });
y = x.merge (x: { name = "name-${builtins.toString x.fixed.c}"; });
in (y.merge) { b = 10; };
strip = attrs: removeAttrs attrs ["merge" "replace"];
in all id
[ ((strip res1) == { })
((strip res2) == { a = 7; })
((strip res3) == { a = 7; b = 10; })
((strip res4) == { a = 7; b = 10; })
((strip res5) == { a = 10; })
((strip res6) == { a = 17; })
((strip resRem7) == {})
((strip resFixed1) == { a = 7; b = 10; c =10; name = "name-10"; })
expected = true;

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@ -368,6 +368,12 @@
Matomo version.
<literal>composableDerivation</literal> along with supporting library functions
has been removed.
The deprecated <literal>truecrypt</literal> package has been removed

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@ -398,8 +398,6 @@ in
releaseTools = callPackage ../build-support/release { };
composableDerivation = callPackage ../../lib/composable-derivation.nix { };
inherit ( platforms;
setJavaClassPath = makeSetupHook { } ../build-support/setup-hooks/;