
214 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{config, pkgs}:
prefix = "/svn";
dbDir = "/tmp/svn/db";
reposDir = "/tmp/svn/repos";
backupsDir = "/tmp/svn/backup";
tmpDir = "/tmp/svn/tmp";
adminAddr = "";
# Build a Subversion instance with Apache modules and Swig/Python bindings.
subversion = import ../../../nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/version-management/subversion-1.4.x {
inherit (pkgs) fetchurl stdenv apr aprutil neon expat swig zlib;
bdbSupport = true;
httpServer = true;
sslSupport = true;
compressionSupport = true;
pythonBindings = true;
httpd = pkgs.apacheHttpd;
# Build our custom authentication modules.
authModules = import ../../../services/subversion/src/auth {
inherit (pkgs) stdenv apacheHttpd;
# Access controls for /repos and /repos-xml.
reposConfig = dirName: ''
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion repositories"
AuthBasicProvider auth-against-db
AuthAllowNone on
AuthzRepoPrefix ${prefix}/${dirName}/
AuthzRepoDBType DB
AuthzRepoReaders ${dbDir}/svn-readers
AuthzRepoWriters ${dbDir}/svn-writers
Require repo-writer
Require repo-reader
DAV svn
SVNParentPath ${reposDir}
#SVNAutoversioning @autoVersioning@
# Build ViewVC.
viewvc = import ../../../services/subversion/src/viewvc {
inherit (pkgs) fetchurl stdenv python enscript;
inherit reposDir adminAddr subversion;
urlPrefix = prefix;
viewerConfig = dirName: ''
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion repositories"
AuthBasicProvider auth-against-db
AuthAllowNone on
AuthzRepoPrefix ${prefix}/${dirName}/
AuthzRepoDBType DB
AuthzRepoReaders ${dbDir}/svn-readers
Require repo-reader
viewvcConfig = ''
ScriptAlias ${prefix}/viewvc ${viewvc}/viewvc/bin/mod_python/
<Location ${prefix}/viewvc>
AddHandler python-program .py
# Note: we write \" instead of ' to work around a lexer bug in Nix 0.11.
PythonPath "[\"${viewvc}/viewvc/bin/mod_python\", \"${subversion}/lib/python2.4/site-packages\"] + sys.path"
PythonHandler handler
${viewerConfig "viewvc"}
Alias ${prefix}/viewvc-doc ${viewvc}/viewvc/templates/docroot
#Redirect permanent /viewcvs @canonicalName@/viewvc
# Build WebSVN.
websvn = import ../../../services/subversion/src/websvn {
inherit (pkgs) fetchurl stdenv writeText enscript gnused diffutils;
inherit reposDir subversion;
cacheDir = tmpDir;
urlPrefix = prefix;
websvnConfig = ''
Alias ${prefix}/websvn ${websvn}/wsvn.php
Alias ${prefix}/templates ${websvn}/templates
<Location ${prefix}/websvn>
${viewerConfig "websvn"}
<Directory ${websvn}/templates>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# Build Repoman.
repoman = pkgs.substituteAll {
src = ../../../services/subversion/src/repoman/;
dir = "/";
name = "";
isExecutable = true;
perl = "${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl";
defaultPath = "";
staticPrefix = prefix;
orgUrl = "";
orgLogoUrl = "";
orgName = "Example Org";
canonicalName = "http://localhost/";
userCreationDomain = "localhost";
fsType = "fsfs";
inherit adminAddr reposDir backupsDir dbDir subversion;
# Urgh, most of these are dependencies of Email::Send, should figure them out automatically.
perlFlags = "-I${pkgs.perlBerkeleyDB}/lib/site_perl -I${pkgs.perlEmailSend}/lib/site_perl -I${pkgs.perlEmailSimple}/lib/site_perl -I${pkgs.perlModulePluggable}/lib/site_perl -I${pkgs.perlReturnValue}/lib/site_perl -I${pkgs.perlEmailAddress}/lib/site_perl";
repomanConfig = ''
ScriptAlias ${prefix}/repoman ${repoman}/
# !!!
writeTextInDir = name: text:
pkgs.runCommand name {inherit text;} "ensureDir $out; echo -n \"$text\" > $out/$name";
extraModulesPre = [
# Allow anonymous access to repositories that are world-readable
# without prompting for a username/password.
{ name = "authn_noauth"; path = "${authModules}/modules/"; }
# Check whether the user is allowed read or write access to a
# repository.
{ name = "authz_dyn"; path = "${authModules}/modules/"; }
extraModules = [
{ name = "python"; path = "${pkgs.mod_python}/modules/"; }
{ name = "php5"; path = "${pkgs.php}/modules/"; }
{ name = "dav_svn"; path = "${subversion}/modules/"; }
extraConfig = ''
<AuthnProviderAlias dbm auth-against-db>
AuthDBMType DB
AuthDBMUserFile ${dbDir}/svn-users
<Location ${prefix}/repos>
${reposConfig "repos"}
<Location ${prefix}/repos-xml>
${reposConfig "repos-xml"}
SVNIndexXSLT "@staticPrefix@/xsl/svnindex.xsl"
robotsEntries = ''
User-agent: *
Disallow: ${prefix}/viewcvs/
Disallow: ${prefix}/viewvc/
Disallow: ${prefix}/websvn/
Disallow: ${prefix}/repos-xml/
# mod_python's own Python modules must be in the initial Python
# path, they cannot be set through the PythonPath directive.
globalEnvVars = [
{ name = "PYTHONPATH"; value = "${pkgs.mod_python}/lib/python2.4/site-packages"; }
extraPath = [
# Needed for ViewVC.