2009-11-30 02:05:07 +01:00
args: with args;
inherit (args.composableDerivation) composableDerivation edf wwf;
libs = [ mysql apacheHttpd zlib sqlite pcre apr gtk];
includes = lib.concatMapStrings (x: ''"${x}/include",'' ) libs + ''"{gkt}/include/gtk-2.0",'';
composableDerivation {} ( fixed : {
name = "neko-cvs";
2009-12-11 14:58:23 +01:00
# REGION AUTO UPDATE: { name="neko"; type="cvs"; cvsRoot = ":pserver:anonymous@cvs.motion-twin.com:/cvsroot"; module = "neko"; }
src= sourceFromHead "neko-F_01-20-32.tar.gz"
(fetchurl { url = "http://mawercer.de/~nix/repos/neko-F_01-20-32.tar.gz"; sha256 = "785449f6df718fe26b6c87a2b7aa3cc587a72e7127582e6300ce966d97d6d16b"; });
2009-11-30 02:05:07 +01:00
# optionally remove apache mysql like gentoo does?
# they just remove libs/{apache,mod_neko}
buildInputs = [boehmgc pkgconfig makeWrapper] ++ libs;
# apr should be in apacheHttpd propagatedBuildInputs
preConfigure = ''
sed -i \
-e 's@"/usr/include",@${includes}@' \
sed -i "s@/usr/local@$out@" Makefile
ensureDir $out/{bin,lib}
inherit zlib;
meta = {
description = "Neko is an high-level dynamicly typed programming language";
homepage = http://nekovm.org;
license = ["GPLv2" ]; # -> docs/license.txt
maintainers = [args.lib.maintainers.marcweber];
platforms = args.lib.platforms.linux;
# if stripping was done neko and nekoc would be the same. ?!
dontStrip = 1;
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram "$out/bin/nekoc" \
--set "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" $out/lib/neko \
wrapProgram "$out/bin/neko" \
--set "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" $out/lib/neko \
# TODO make them optional and make them work
patches = [ ./disable-modules.patch ];