20 lines
916 B
20 lines
916 B
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Create a standalone HOL image. Assumes that we are running under Linux *)
(* and have the program "dmtcp" available to create checkpoints. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let dmtcp_checkpoint, dmtcp_selfdestruct =
let call_dmtcp opts bannerstring =
let longer_banner = startup_banner ^ " with DMTCP" in
let complete_banner =
if bannerstring = "" then longer_banner
else longer_banner^"\n "^bannerstring in
(Gc.compact(); Unix.sleep 1;
Format.print_string "Checkpointing..."; Format.print_newline();
try ignore(Unix.system ("dmtcp_command -bc " ^ opts))
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ();
Format.print_string complete_banner;
Format.print_newline(); Format.print_newline())
call_dmtcp "", call_dmtcp "-q";;